Unit 1 - sentences Flashcards
He is Chinese
Keoi5 hai6 zung1 gwok3 jan4
China is big and beautiful
Zung1 gwok3 hou2 daai6 hou2 leng3
I like China
Ngo5 zung1 ji3 zung1 gwok3
HK is also beautiful
Hoeng1 gong2 dou1 hou2 leng3
But HK is not very big
Daan6 hai6 hoeng1 gong2 m4 hai6 gei2 daai6
HK is not beautiful
Hoeng1 gong2 m4 leng3
What about you?
Nei5 ne1?
Which country are you from?
Nei5 hai6 bin1 go3 gwok3 gaa1 ge3 jan4 aa3?
Very happy to know you
Hou2 gou1 hing3 jing6 sik1 nei5
They are my family
Keoi5 dei6 hai6 ngo5 uk1 kei2 jan4
Your family (home) has eight people
Nei5 uk1 kei2 jau5 baat3 go3 jan4
Who are they?
Keoi5 dei6 hai6 bin1 go3 aa3?
They are my father and mother
Keoi5 dei6 hai6 ngo5 baa4 baa1 tung4 maa4 maa1
My paternal grandpa and grandma
Ngo5 je4 je2 tung4 maa4 maa4
My maternal grandpa and grandma
Ngo5 gung4 gung1 tung4 po4 po2