Unit 1: Section 4 - Respiratory System Flashcards
What is the main role of the respiratory system?
Supply your blood with oxygen, which then gets delivered to the rest of your body
Describe where the air goes as you breathe in until it reaches your blood?
Air enters the trachea, which splits into two bronchi, each bronchus leading to each lung. Each bronchus branches of into smaller bronchioles which end in alveoli. The oxygen then diffuses across into the blood
Ventilation consists of what two thing?
Inspiration and expiration
What are the four things that happen during inspiration?
- ) intercostal and diaphragm muscles contract
- ) this causes the ribcage to move upwards and outwards and the diaphragm to flatten
- ) this increases the volume of the thorax
- ) decreasing the pressure drawing air into the lungs
What are the four things that happen during expiration?
- ) intercostal and diaphragm muscles relax
- ) this causes the ribcage to move downwards and inwards and the diaphragm to become curved again
- ) this decreases the volume of the thorax
- ) increasing the pressure forcing air out of the lungs
Where does the gas exchange actually happen in the lungs?
What is the lining of the alveoli called?
Alveolar epithelium
What is the centre space of the alveoli called?
Alveolar space
Why do the walls of the alveoli contain elastin?
To allow them to return to their normal shape after inhaling and exhaling air
How does oxygen go from the alveoli into the blood (include what it diffuses across) ?
Oxygen diffuses out of the alveoli across the alveolar endothelium and the capillary endothelium into the haemoglobin in the blood.
What two ways are alveoli adapted for efficient diffusion?
Thin exchange surface - only one cell thick
Large surface area
What is pulmonary ventilation?
The volume of air taken into the lungs in one minute
What is the equation for pulmonary ventilation?
Pulmonary ventilation = tidal volume x ventilation rate
What is tidal volume?
The volume of air in each breathe
What is ventilation rate?
The number of breaths per minute