Unit 1 : Roots Of The Constitution Flashcards
What was Thomas Hobble big idea?
Consent of the gov’t and social contract
- Think ppl are cruel, greedy, and selfish
- Life without law is bad therefore the social contract idea came up
- Society = absolute monarchy
What was John Locke big idea ?
Natural rights and right to over throw gov’t
- Rejected idea of monarchy
- Believed life, liberty, and property
- Form gov’t to protect natural rights
- Gov’t should have limited powers
What was baron de Montesquieu big idea ?
Separation of powers
- separation of powers is the best way to protect liberty (freedom)
- Each branch of gov’t should serve as a check on the other (checks and balance)
Who was the founding father that liked the ideas ?
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Freedom of speech and religion
- Ppl were naturally good but corrupted by evil of society
- Gov’t should be based on consent of gov’t
- Freedom is an obedience to the law
- Men is born free and everywhere he is in chains
Natural right definition
Rights that every human is born with (life, liberty, property)
Social contract definition
Unwritten agreement between citizens and gov’t.
Individuals give up certain rights in exchange for safety and protection of other rights
Right to revolt
When gov’t fail to protect citizens, the citizens have the right to overthrow their gov’t and establish a new one.
Popular sovereignty
In order for a gov’t to be legitimate it must be based on the general desires AND the ppl and consent to the law/rules of the gov’t
What was the problems of the “ Articles of confederation ”
- Introduced in 1777
- Takes effect in 1781
Weak central government
- No taxes
- No money
- No army (no protection)
- No paybacks (dept)
- No federal/central gov’t
- No way to settle conflicts
- No common money (no trade)
What was the Virginia plan ?
Edmund Randolph named it after his state
3 branches - Legislate (make law) - executive (inform laws) - Judicial (interpret/apply laws) Congress made up of House of Representatives, senates, bicameral legislate
Ways they fixed a.o.c in the constitution?
Tax system National army Court system They compromised when there were arguments 13 countries/nations involved
The great compromise
By Rodger Sherman
Was a combination of v.p and n.j
- Bicameral legislate (congress)
- Upper house (senate)
- Lower house (house of rep.) (state popularity)
What was the New Jersey plan?
By William Patterson from New Jersey
They avoid small states getting swallowed up
Un. Legislate branch = one house and each state will have an equal # of rep/votes in congress
7 Articles
Legislate branch (congress) Executive branch (president) Judicial (court) Federalism (relationship between states) Amendments Supremacy clause Ratification (approving)
What does the Legislate branch (congress) do ?
What are its powers ?
How does it work ?
Article 1 section 8 (declare war,coin $,collect taxes,create military)
Check on other branches
Override veto
What does the executive branch (president) do ?
What are its powers ?
How does it work ?
Excite the law
Veto laws,making treaties,chief of military
What does the judicial branch do ?
What are its powers ?
How does it work ?
Jury trial
Check on other branches (power to declare the punishment of treason)
Power to decide legal cases in a court of law