Unit 1 - Review Flashcards
The Central Nervous System includes:
1) Brain
2) Spinal Cord
The Peripheral Nervous System includes:
1) Cranial Nerves (12 pairs to brain, Nucleus of origin, Nuclei of termination, exit skull via patent opening)
2) Spinal Nerves (31 pairs - mixed, via spinal cord by VENTRAL (ant.) and DORSAL (post.) rootlets - w/ dorsal [spinal] root ganglion )
* Each spinal nerve splits into a dorsal and ventral primary ramus
Subdivisions of PNS: (functional divisions)
1) Somatic
2) Visceral
Somatic Nervous System parts:
1) Sensory (afferent)
2) Motor (Efferent)
Visceral Nervous System parts:
AUTONOMIC - vital body fxns
A) Sympathetic
B) Parasympathetic
C) Visceral Afferents
Sympathetic NS
- Heart, lungs, abdominopelvic organs, blood vessels, arrest or pili
- Efferent neurons: ________________, __________________
- Symp. Trunk
- Splanchnic nerves
Parasympathetic NS
- Same organs as SNS, fewer blood vessels
- Two efferent neurons: ______________, ______________
- Splanchnic nerves (pelvis)
Cranial Nerves:
I - Olfactory II - Optic III - Oculomotor IV - Trochlear V - Trigeminal VI - Abducent VII - Facial VIII - Vestibulocochlear IX - Glossopharyngeal X - Vagus XI - (Spinal) Accessory XII - Hypoglossal
I - Olfactory
- Special Sense
* Pathway: Olfactory Mucosa Fibers > Cribriform Plate > (synapse) Olfactory Bulb
II - Optic
- Special Sense
* Pathway: Retina Fibers > Optic Disc > Optic Nerve > Chiasma > (tract) Lateral Geniculate Bodies
III - Oculomotor
- Motor; somatic + parasympathetic
* Supplies: 5 somatic muscles, 2 visceral (smooth) muscles
IV - Trochlear
- Somatic Motor
- Action: intorsion - ABduct and depress cornea
V - Trigeminal
- MIXED nerve (somatic motor + somatic sensory)
- “Great sensory N. of the Face”
- Innervates: orbit, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, ear and internal skull
- Motor supply: mastication
IV - Abducent
- Somatic Motor
- Supplies: Lateral Rectus
- Action: ABduct cornea
VII - Facial
- MIXED; motor; Somatic + Parasympathetic: sensory; somatic and special sense
- Taste: Ant. 2/3 tongue
- Innervates: Stylohyoid, stapedius, muscles of facial expression; Lacrimal gland, Salivary Gland