Unit 1 Review Flashcards
What is significant about the title “Character of the Happy Warrior”
A warrior is a conqueror who can represent one fighting to live right.
“I’m going to make good. I’m going to face the music! Because I’m an honest man!”
“The Finger of God”
What is significant about the title “The Rat Trap”
The main character of the story was a rat trap peddler; however, the reader is soon informed that the peddler is caught in a “rat trap.”
“The Finger of God”
“You’ve Got to Learn”
the persons who carry out the action of the plot
The peddler
“The Rat Trap”
What was the name of Galileo’s telescope
Old Discoverer
When did Andy change his mind about seeking revenge?
after seeing the otter defend his pup from the lynxes
Author of “The Rat Trap”
Selma Lagerlöf
“The Finger of God”
What two comparisons does Shakespeare use in “A Good Name”?
a good reputation and a purse
Why is the title “You’ve Got to Learn” significant?
It stems from the idea of the important lesson that the boy learned and understood at the end of the story.
What killed the dog in the story?
an otter
the arrangement of events in a story or play; the sequence of related actions
The ironmaster
“The Rat Trap”
What was Galileo’s punishment after the trial
to live in seclusion and stop teaching that the earth moved around the sun
Other than his servants, who lived with the ironmaster?
his daughter, Edla
the repetition of the initial sound of a word
Strickland’s office girl
“The Finger of God”
What is the plot of “The Difference between Knowledge and Wisdom”
The poet emphasizes the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
“You’ve Got to Learn”
“Since you have been so nice to me all day long, as if I was a captain, I want to be nice to you, in return, as if I was a real captain.”
“The Rat Trap”
the time and place where the actions of a story occur
Galileo Galilei
“Explorer of the Stars”
Describe the plot of “Explorer of the Stars”
A scientists goes through many trials to prove to the world that the earth moves.
What holiday was the peddler invited to spend with the ironmaster?
To whom did Galileo give credit for the creation he observed
Did Strickland change?
“He realized, too, how clear and simple their reasons for actions were, even when they killed.”
“You’ve Got to Learn”
How did the girl know Strickland?
She worked in his office as a stenographer (secretary)
What was the name of hte dog Andy was looking after?
What things does the poet personify in the poem “Truth”? How does the poet personify these things?
Truth and error; Truth is given strength and immortality while Error is given pain and mortality
Describe the plot of “The Finger of God”
A man is guided to make the right decision by an unexpected acquaintance.
an implied comparison in which one thing is described in terms of another thing
Why is the title “The Finger of God” significant?
The office girl was used to represent Strickland’s conscience, guiding him to make the right decision; it was as if the office girl were sent by God
dynamic character
one that undergoes some change and is different at the end of the story
Describe the plot of “You’ve Got to Learn”
A young boy goes through a change of heart after wanting to seek revenge.”
William Cullen Bryant
stage directions
written instructions designed to aid in producing hte play and helping the reader visually the setting of scenes by giving details of time, place, scenery, props, and the entrances and exits of the characters
In “The Rat Trap,” whad did hte peddler steal?
thirty kronor or money
“Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much: Wisdom is humble that he knows no more.
“The Difference between Knowledge and Wisdom”
“Nevertheless, the earth does move.”
“Explorer of the Stars”
Character of the Happy Warrior”
William Wordsworth
What is the plot of “Character of the Happy Warrior”
The poet describes character qualities that every man should want to have.
the central idea which gives a work meaning
“This is the happy Warrior; this is He That every man in arms should wish to be.”
“Character of the Happy Warrior”
Edla Wilmansson
“The Rat Trap”
Why did Galileo recant?
He was afraid, ill, and tired of being away from his home.
an expressed comparison of unlike things in which the words like or as are used
static character
one who remains essentially the same throughout the story
a comparison in which human qualities are given to an inanimate object or animal
extended metaphor
a metaphor which is developed at lenght and is often the controlling image running throughout a work
Author of “The Difference between Knowledge and Wisdom”
William Cowper
What did the girl bring Strickland?
letters and checks from people asking him to make investments for them
List the characteristics of a happy warrior
generous, discerning, diligent, sacrificial, truthful, faithful
a struggle between opposing forces
What is the plot of “The Rat Trap”?
A peddler who steals money from a kind stranger is mistaken for a captain and invited to a Christmas dinner with the ironmaster and his family; the peddler is the recipient of utmost kindness and in return makes an honest decision.
Author of “A Good Name”
William Shakespeare