unit 1 reveiw Flashcards
What purposes do maps serve?
To show people where things are located or to navigate people
Why do all maps have some degree of distortion?
All maps show the earth on a flat surface but the earth is round and you can’t show a round object in a flat form. The shape, size, and distance, direction, and location will never be correct
what is the distortion in the Gall-Peters map
the middle of the map is bigger
what is the distortion in the Robinson map
antarctica and poles are bigger
What is scale?
Relationship of a features size on a map to its actual size on earth
what is a Graphic map scale
uses bar line
Define Site
the physical characteristics of a place
Define Situation
the location of a place in relation to other places
what is a Formal region
A region with high consistency in a certain cultural or physical attribute
what is a perseptual/ vernecular region
A region defined by someone’s perspective.
what is a Functional/nodal region
have a certain point which impacts its surrounding areas
Define Spatial Association
The relationship or connection between two things
What is globalization?
The connection of economic, cultural, and political characteristics
Define Density
the number of things in a certain area
Define Distribution
the way people or ideas are spread over an area
Define Concentration
the extent of a features spread over space
What is a thematic map?
A map that uses data to display specific topics
What is a chropleth map
displays average data and uses color
what is a graduated circle map
pie charts
what is a dot desity map
shows data with dots
what is qualitive data
what is quantitive data
based off facts
what are the 3 pillers of sustainability
Environment -
Economy -
Society -
Environment - to preserve the nature around us and to conserve is how to use the resources around us
Economy - long term economic growth without hurting the environment
Society - people make use of resources to meet basic human needs
What does the theory of possibilism state?
The environment affects human patterns but humans adapt to it
What does the theory of environmental determinism state?
People are the way they are because of the environment
Define the cultural landscape;
how human activities modify and shape the natural world
Describe Relocation Diffusion -
physical transfer of idea or trait t new region
describe Hierarchical diffusion
spread of ideas from ruler or king to subjects
Contagious Diffusion is ….
ideas that spread from hearth
Stimulus Diffusion is …..
the spread of general concept throughout a population