Unit 1 - regulation Flashcards
How does sympathetic nervous system stimulation increase inotropy
Beta-1 receptors --> Gs --> cAMP --> PKA PKA phosphorylates 1. L-Type calcium channels (DHPR) 2. RyR Receptors of SR 3. PLB = Phospholambam 4. TP-I (luistropy)
So in follow up, why would a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist decrease heart contractile force?
- decreased ca2+ influx from L-type –> decrease for storage
- decrease RyR receptor sensitivity - decrease release
- decrease PLB-p –> more inhibition of SERCA
- decrease TP-I-p –> reduced cycle velocity
How does sympathetic activation lead to increased chronotropy?
Beta-1 receptors –> Gs –> cAMP –> PKA
cAMP directly binds If (HCN) channel
-increasing likelihood of opening (raise resting)
PKA phosphorylates
- L-type channel and RyR which both act to increase intracellular calcium
Increased intracellular calcium causes the NCX exchanger to pump out 1 Ca2+ for pumping in 3Nat+
So in follow up, why would a beta adrenergic receptor antagonist decrease heart rate?
It would inhibit the production of cAMP and thus prevent increased opening of If
I would inhibit the production of PKA and thus prevent the elevated intracellular Ca2+ that enables the NCX to enable depolarization
Now recall the If is for pacers, not makers
How does the parasympathetic nervous system decrease chronotropy?
Acetylcholine binds to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (M2) which are the G coupled ones (Gi/o)
The Gi inhibits adenyl cyclase from making cAMP so the funny current can flow as easily
cAMP can’t activate PKA
PKA can’t phosphorylate it’s targets (Ca-L, Ryr)
Intracellular Calcium is not as easily elevated –> NCX not as active
G-by subunit opens GIRK - the g-couple inward potassium rectifier - which further increases outward K+ (hyperpolarizes)
what is the primary mechanism for parasympathetic control of chronotropy?
Activation of GIRK via M2 G-ay
How many nuclei are in VSMC?
Do vascular smooth muscle cells have sarcomeres?
no, the contractile units in smooth muscle are not organized into sarcomeres - however, they are still comprised of actin and myosin - just not organized
Do vascular smooth muscle cells have troponin / tropomyosin
no, they do not have and are not regulated by troponin / tropomyosin - which surround the thin filament in striated muscle - rarher vascular smooth muscle cells are regulated via myosin light chain
Do vascular myocytes require SR Ca2+ release for contraction?
how are smooth muscle cells’ contractile properties regulated?
via phosphorylation of myosin light chain via myosin light chain kinase which is activated by calcium-calmodulin
How does cAMP influence smooth muscle cell contracility
ACTUALLY - cAMP inhibits myosin light chain kinase and thus, prevent contraction
How is contraction halted in smooth muscle cells?
when myosin light chain is dephosphorylated by myosin light chain phosphatase
adranergic targets on vascular smooth muscle cells?
alpha receptors!
alpha receptors activate Gq –> cleaves phosphotidylinosotol –> IP3/DAG –> IP3 can then increase cytosolic Ca2+ via receptors on SR–> bind calmodulin –> MLCK –> vasoconstriction
Unique skeletal muscle targets - beta-2 receptors - which activate Gs and cause increase cAMP via adenyl cyclase activation –> inhibits MLCK –> vasodilation
decrease sympathetic tone on heart?
cause decreased heart rate and inotropy