Unit 1 Quizlet Flashcards
Human geography
Study spatial analysis of human population
Reference maps
3P 1 R
General information about location and geographic features
- political Map - 🗺️
- Plat Map - 🏡/neighborhood maps
- Physical Map - shows elevation
- Road Map - Goggle Map
-Locator Map -Mall Map
Thematic Maps
Show spatial aspects of information or phenomenon
- Chloropleth
- Cartograms
- Propertional/Gratuaded Circle Maps
- Dot Density
Chloropeth Map
A thematic map that uses gradient of color to show distribution of spatial data
Cartogram Map
Thematic map that distorts the size of map based on specific data
More use for visual
Dot Density Map
Thematic Map in which a dot represents some frequency of mapped variable
Graduated symbol / proportional symbol map
Thematic map that uses symbols of different sizes to indicate amounts of something. refer to the map legend to understand symbol data
Physical Map Isoline Map
Reference Map
Automatic map with lines that connect points of equal value to depict variations in data across space
Flow line map
Map Projection
Arrow thickness shows amount.
Arrows on a map showing trade
- Quick Idea
- Where and who the things are coming from and going
- Trade route
- Little numerics
- How often
- what is going
Absolute location
Exact location of a place on earth described by global coordinates longitude and latitude
Imaginary line running parallel to the equator that is used to measure distance north or south of the equator
Horizontal line
An imaginary line circling the earth running pole to pole that is used to measure east to west from prime Meridian
International dateline
An ark that follows 180° longitude when you cross the international dateline east
(USA) clock moves 24 hours back
When you move west (towards Asia) the calendar, moves one day forward
Prime Meridian
Designed at 0° longitude, which passes through the royal observatory at Greenwich, England
Relative location
The situation of a place in relation to another place distance, accessibility, and connectivity affect this
Map projections distortions
Taking a 3D object and making it 2D will inevitably distort spatial relationship in shape area distance, and direction
Goode’s interrupted projection
Map projection
W shape,
- Area and shape are conserved
Interrupts the ocean 🌊
Mercator Projection
The circular also one (best one)
- ✔️ shape
- Preserves right angle of longitude and latitude
- Direction
- Area distorted near poles so the area and latitude increase
Bookmarked Cards
Are cards that are on unit quizzes
Bookmarked Cards
Are cards that are on unit quizzes
Environmental determinism
View that natural environment has a controlling influence over various aspects of human life, including cultural and societal development