Unit 1, Quiz 2 Flashcards
Mercator Map
Pros: true direction, good for navigation
Cons: distorts area, distortion near the poles
Gall - Peters Map
Pros: true direction, relatively precise area
Cons: distorts shape, elongated continents
Robinson Map
Pros: “real” globe appearance, minor size/shape distortion
Cons: imprecise measurements, extreme pole distortion
Azimuthal Map
Pros: preserves direction, no center country
Cons: distorted shape/area, shows 1/2 of Earth
Reference Map
- political/ physical maps
- shows boundaries/ regions (states, countries, lakes)
Thematic Map
- has a specific topic/theme
- shows connections between different attributes
-Ex: human migration out of Africa
Isoline Map
LINES of data
- show particular characteristics
Ex: topography, rainfall
Graduated Symbols Map
- quantitative data
Ex: population, earthquake magnitude
Dr. Seuss
- distorted shapes based on information
- statistical data and geographical data
Ex: energy consumption, population
Dot Map
Dots are specific
- specific events
Ex: crimes, births, car accidents
Choropleth Map
pleth = predetermined and thematic
- quantitative data
Ex: election results, demographics
Geographic Information System (GIS)
- stores and displays geographic data
- layers of information, simple or complex
- elevation and topography
Used for detecting flood potential and pollution levels
Remote Sensing/ Satellites
- collects data remotely
- takes photos of sections of Earth and regular intervals
- analyzed in GIS
Used for detecting urban development trends, shrinking polar ice caps, tracking hurricanes
Global Positioning System (GPS)
- collects data from multiple satellites
- only finds absolute location
- used for navigation
Clustered vs. Dispersed KEY NOTE
Goode - Homolosine Map
- reference map
Pros: shape/size, avoids shape distortion
Cons: USELESS for distance
ex: accurate continent sizes, only used at a global scale