Unit 1: Quantum Theory Flashcards
Matter is made up of small indivisible particles
- Billiard ball model
J.J Thompson
e are embedded in a sphere of positive charge
- Chocolate chip cookie model
Atoms are equally made up of e and p. There is a nucleus of positive charge in the middle.
- Nuclear model
Light is an electromagnetic wave. c=lamdaf
Energy emiited is not continuous but quantized. e exist only with energy which is multiple of a small quantity.
change in E=hf
Problem with Rutherfords model
1) e would continuously emit radiation as they spiral towards the nucleus
2) Does not explain the empirical data of line spectra being shown. According to his model e would emit continous spectra.
Applied Plancks theory to light. Light emitted by a hot object is composed of photons of different E.
Photoelectric Effect - Hertz
Enough E must be provided to ionize an e from its atom. Higher F = higher E = lower wavelength
Bohr Postulates
1) Stationary State Postulate - e do not continuously radiate energy as they move around the nucleus. Each E-level corresponds to a constant state of E.
2)Transition Postulate - e can only change energy by transitioning from one E-level to another. To transition energy must be emitted or absorbed which is equal to the difference of energy between energy levels.
Problem with Bohrs Model
1) only explains h line spectra
2) e are not completely descirbed as small particles
Line Series
Lyman n=1, UV
Balmer n=2, visible
Paschen n=3, infared
Bracket n=4, infared
Ionization Energy
The amount of energy required to “remove” an e from a neutral gaseous atom to produce a positive ion (cation)
X(g) + E(J) – X+(g) + e-
De Broglie
Particles may have wave nature.
lamda = h/mv
Aufbau Principle
“build it up principle”
States that shells and subshells are filled successively from lower E to higher E in a specififc order according to stability.
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
States that one can never know both the exact position and momentum of an e at the same time.
Schrodinger’s Wave Function
Represents the volume of space an e- is likely to be in (orbital)
Hund’s Rule
States that In the ground state e- configuration, all orbitals of equal e are occupied first by a single e- with parallel spins before any orbital is occupied by a second e- pf opposite spin.
Pauli Exclusion Principle
States that no two e- in the same atom can have the same four quantum numbers.