Unit 1-Proteins Flashcards
Joined together to make proteins
Amino Acids
Type of protein that forms muscles and membranes
Structural proteins
Type of protein that acts as a chemical messenger that is carried in the blood
Type of protein that defends the body against disease
Type of protein on the cell surface with a shape complementary to a hormone
Scientific term for any substance that speeds up a reaction
Type of protein that is known as a biological catalyst
After it has catalysed a biological reaction, an enzyme’s shape is…
The part of an enzyme with a shape complementary to its specific substrate
Active site
Molecule an enzyme changes AND the molecule produced
Substrate AND Product
An enzyme reaction in which a large molecule is built up from smaller molecules
An enzyme reaction in which a large molecule is broken down into smaller molecules
An example of a synthesis reaction
Glucose-1-phosphate molecules being joined together to form a starch molecule by the enzyme phosphorylase
An example of a degradation reaction
Hydrogen peroxide broken down into oxygen and water by the enzyme catalase
Starch is broken down into maltose by the enzyme amylase
The temperature or pH in which an enzyme works fastest
Unable to function because of a change in shape - the reason why enzymes stop working in high temperatures