Unit 1 Phrasal Verbs Flashcards
What kind of phrasal verb islook into?
What kind of phrasal verb isbring up?
What kind of phrasal verb istalk over?
What kind of phrasal verb is bottle up?
What kind of phrasal verb islook down on?
What kind of phrasal verb islook up to?
What kind of phrasal verb isthink through?
What kind of phrasal verb iscome across as?
What kind of phrasal verb is get across?
Which phrasal verb means “to consider someone inferior or undeserving”?
look down on (someone)
Which phrasal verb means “to take care of and educate a child”?
bring up a child / bring a child up
Which phrasal verb means “to discuss a subject with someone until the problem is solved”?
talk (a subject) over
Which phrasal verb means “to keep feelings inside”
bottle (feelings) up
Which phrasal verb means “to examine something”
look into (something)
Which phrasal verb means “to make someone understand something”?
get (something) across to someone
Which phrasal verb means “to admire someone”
look up to someone
Which phrasal verb means “to think about something very carefully”
think (something) through
Which phrasal verb means “to give someone an impression of being rude”, for example?
come across as (rude)