Unit 1 - Part A Flashcards
What is a thiest?
Someone who believes there is a god
What is an atheist?
Someone who believes there is no god
What is an agnostic?
Someone who believes we cannot know for sure whether there is a god or not
Someone who believes in one god
Someone who believes in multiple gods
Describe the moral argument (5)
- Kant
- sense of moral awareness: categorical imperative
- encourages us to do good
- summum bonum
- anticipate reward
- external lawgiver
Describe the argument from religious experience (5)
-based on logic
- if something exists it should be possible to experience it
- many claim religious experience therefore god exists
- Swinburnes principle of credulity (our senses) principle of testimony (others senses)
- legal principles
Teleological argument
- based on reason and logic
- focused on design
- aquinas , paley
- watch analogy + argues that like it the earth needs a designer
- characteristics, order, regularity , purpose
- logic= earth has creator
- divine designer
Cosmological argument
- based on reason + logic
- aquinas
- something cannot come from nothing
- likely chain of events with starting point
- infinite regress is impossible
- uncaused causer is god
Weaknesses of cosmological argument
- could be proof god does not exist (if first cause is eternal why can’t whole chain be)
- Russell argued universe doesn’t need a cause ‘it just is’
- aquinas suggested order and logic points to a caused, some may suggest other reasons for this
- ambiguous - unclear/ can be interpreted differently
Weaknesses of teleological argument
- not all aspects of universe are perfect
- unnecessary suffering
- why only one designer?
- is god still there?
- why not random chance?
- survival of the fittest
Weaknesses of religious experience argument
- experiences are private and personal, open to doubt
- does god have favourites?
- no scientific test
- our senses can deceive us
- Freud argues ‘ simply illusions’
Weaknesses of moral argument
- alternate explanations for morality
- atheist and humanist have morality
- why do people have different opinions on what is right
- categorical imperative suggests we don’t have moral freedom/ choice
- why assume only god can bring morality
Weaknesses of moral argument
- alternate explanations for morality
- atheist and humanist have morality
- why do people have different opinions on what is right
- categorical imperative suggests we don’t have moral freedom/ choice
- why assume only god can bring morality