Unit 1 - Literary Criticism (Jung) Flashcards
What are the 9 character archetypes in literature
The hero, scapegoat, outcast, devil, good mother, temptress, muse, unfaithful wife
Hero archetype
(e.g Harry Poter, Superman, Jesus, Prince Charming)
- Birth with unusual circumstances
- Barely dodged death at a young age
- Defeats an antagonist, then goes back home to marry a princess
- Upon return, gets banished or dies a mysterious death
Scapegoat archetype
(e.g Minotaur, Ram sacrificed to make shofar)
- A sacrifice put to death by a community to remove guilt and restore health/well being
- Sometimes the hero himself can be a scapegoat
Outcast archetype
(e.g Romeo, Pandora, Beast, Elsa)
- A character banished from a community as punishment
- The outcast is destined to wander throughout eternity
Devil archetype
(e.g Ursula)
- Embodies evil principles that intrudes the life of a character to tempt/destroy him
- Offers wealth, fame or knowledge in exchange for his soul
Good mother archetype
(e.g Fairy god mother)
- Represents fertility, abundance, nurturing of the people around her
Temptress archetype
(e.g Sirens)
- Uses her beauty and sensuality to attract men and bring them to their demise
Muse archetype
(e.g Fasion designers)
- Inspires the minds and souls of men
Unfaithful wife archetype
(e.g Estelle from huis clos)
- A woman married to a less desirable man leaves him for someone “better”
- Leads to unhappy consequences
What are the 6 archetypal images
Colours, numbers, water, gardens, circles, the sun
Colours archetype
Red: Blood, violence, sacrafise
Green: Fertility, life, hope
Blue: Holiness, sanctity, sadness
Light: Hope, inspiration, enlightenment
Dark: Death, hopelessness, ignorance
Numbers archetype
3: Represents spirituality, as in the Holy
4: Associated with the 4 seasons, or 4 elements
7 (3+4): A perfect product that is whole and complete
Water archetype
- Represents creation, birth, rebirth
- Lack of water (like deserts) represent a spiritually barren state
Gardens or other images of nature archetype
- Paradise or innocence (e.g the Garden of Eden)
Circles archetype
- Lack of beginnings or ends
- Wholeness and union
Sun archetype
- Passing of time
- Beginning life, or a phase of life
- Sun setting may indicate death
What are the 3 archetypal situations
The quest, death and rebirth, initiation
Quest archetype
- Pursued by the hero searching for an item to restore a broken community
- Must perform a task that is nearly impossible
- There is often a journey that includes physical movement as well as mental challenges
Death and Rebirth archetype
Rebirth: can natural regeneration
Death: can be an escape from a troubled life into a paradise before suffering the aftermath of mortality
Initiation archetype
- Progression from one stage of life to another (moving from childhood to adulthood)
- Going from innocent to understanding
- Protagonist goes through tests and challenges to return wiser or more mature