Unit 1 Life Choices and plans Flashcards
Take up
Take up something you’re interested in
.Joe was so inspired by the Frans Lanting exhibit that he decided to take up wildlife photography.
Decide on
Decide on a course of study or a career
.decidir sobre
.She decided on a career as a veterinarian because she is interested in medicine and loves animals
Apply for
Apply for the position or an opportunity to study
. He wants to work in the field of conservation, so he applied for a job at the forest and wildlife Center
Be a Accept to / into
Accepted to a school or program
.ser addition
. Went Ann heard she was accepted to medical school she called all her friends
Be rejected by
Be rejected by a program or school
.ser rejeitado
.it was very difficult for me to hide my appointment when I was rejected by the law school
Sign up for
Sign up for a course or inactivity
.Inscrever-se para
. Over 100 people signed up for the course because the teacher has such a great reputation
Enroll in
.Enroll in school, organization or program
.matricular-se em
. I plan to And enroll in flight school to fulfill my dream of becoming a pilot
Switch to
Switch to a new course of study or career
.mudar para
. People who are unhappy in their career often switch to a completely different field
Childhood / lifelong dream
Leaving in the jungles of Africa had been her childhood dream
Fulfill / realize a dream
She finally fulfilled her dream of setting up a home for injured or orphaned Chimpanzees
Short-term / long-term
Her short-term goal was to get to Africa. Her long-term goal was to have an impact on science
Set goals for oneself
When she heard that Danikki was in Zaire, she set a goal for herself to meet him
Take steps to achieve / reach goal
It was clear that she needed to take some difficult steps to reach her goal
- Although the present perfect expresses a past event or state ,it is used to convey information that has relevance to the present
For instance
.I love animals and outdoors, so I decided to become a naturalist.
The following adverbs and expressions are often used with the present Perfect: Ever, never, alright, yet, so far, still ( With the negative ), one, twice,( three ) times.
For instance:
. Have you ever thought in a career in law ?
. We’ve never considered that course of action.
. She’s already decided on a career in business.
. I still haven’t made up my mind about what I will do after school.
. He has been rejected by medical school twice.
- the adverbs just, recently, and lately describe past events that have occurred in recent time.
For instance:
. She has just been accepted to a top business school.
. They have recently made plans to get married.
. Have you made any progress with your job search lately ?
Notes: the adverb lately is rarely used in affirmative statements in the present perfect.
Use the simple past, not the present perfect, to talk about the specific time in the past.
For instance:
. She applied for the position at the science Institute last week.
. Not she has to applied for the position at the science Institute last week.
Sentence fragments
A dependent clause is not a complete sentence - it’s a sentence fragment. To make a fragment a complete sentence, attach it to an independent clause. Use a comma, If the dependent clause comes first.
For instance:
. Although Joel has painted a lot of portraits, he hasn’t sold any yet.
. Joel is an artist that paints a lot of portraits.
Run-on sentences.
Joining on two independent clauses with neither a conjunction nor . punctuation is a run-on sentence.
(Wrong) - John is a very talented artist he has won many awards.
(Correct) - add a coordinating conjuction (and,but,or,nor,for,so,yet). A comma is optional.
John is a very talented artist and he has won many Awards.
. Joining two independent clauses with a comma but no conjuction is a type of run-on sentence called a comma splice.
For instance:
.(wrong) John is a very talented artist, he has won many awards.
. Separate the clauses into two sentences. Use a transition word if possible.
.. John is a very talented artist. In fact, he has won many awards.
. Add a subordination conjunction (Because, although, even though, if)
.. Since John is a very talented artist, he has won many awards.
. Use a semicolon. However, it’s a good idea to avoid overusing semicolons.
.. John is a very talented artist; he has won many awards.
Coordinating conjunctions
And, but, or, nor, for, so, yet
Subordinating conjunctions
Because, Although, even though, if
Gave notice
Aviso prévio
. For instance
. I gave notice at the Bank
Way to go
. Means
. Good for you and congratulations
What make you finally take the plunge ?
. What made you decide ?
You know, I could really see you doing that
. I always imagined you doing that
Desculpe, não estou ouvindo você !
Sorry, I can’t hear you !
Ela estava com a voz tão triste ao telefone…
She sounded so sad on the phone…
Está muito escuro aqui. Não estou enxergando nada.
It’s really dark in here. I can’t see a thing.
Este leite esta com gosto esquisito. É melhor você não beber.
This milk tastes funny.You’d better not drink it.
Este tecido tem a textura muito macia.
This material feels really soft.
Eu não estou acreditando !
I can’t believe it !
Eu não estou entendendo nada do que você esta falando !
I can’t understand a word you’re saying.
Eu estou simplesmente adorando meu curso !
I just love my course.
Nossa ! Seu bebê já está pesando oito quilos ?
Wow ! Your baby already weighs eight kilos ?
O que você está achando da minha idéia ?
What do you think of my idea ?
What do you think about my idea ?
O que você está querendo fazer hoje à noite ?
What do you want to do tonight ?
Você está sentindo cheiro de gás ?
Can you smell gas ?
Você está sentindo uma corrente de vento ?
Can you feel a draft ?
Você está vendo aquela banca de jornais do outro lado da rua ?
Can you see that the newsstand across the street ?
Vocês estão conseguindo me ouvir aí no fundo ?
Could you hear me back there ?
Olhe só aquelas nuvens ! Parece que vai chover .
Look at that clouds ! It looks like it’s going to rain.
Você está ouvindo ? Está parecendo uma briga.
Can you hear that ? It seems like a fight.
O vento está tão frio ! Está parecendo inverno hoje.
The wind is so cold! It seems like winter today.
Este chá tem gosto de laranja.
This tea tastes like oranges.
Este xampu tem cheiro de morango.
This shampoo smells like strawberries.
Embora, apesar de…
Coupled with
Together with
Ventured into
Arrived in
Carry out
Perform, do
Causing pessimism
Come near
Complicate matters
Making matters worse
Orphan infants
Babies whose parents have died or disappeared