Unit 1: Labour Reforms Evaluation (4) Flashcards
Why did the Labour Party see a landslide victory in the 1945 general election?
Because they people believed they would implement the recommendations of the Beveridge report.
What are the 5 giants of poverty?
Want, disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness.
What did Labour do to keep industries afloat (idleness)?
They nationalised key industries like gas, electricity etc.
What negative effects came from nationalising key industries?
This was expensive for the Gov. to maintain and inefficient for the industries.
What did Labour manage to lower unemployment rates to and how was this effective?
2.5%, and it meant more people could work (decreased poverty).
How was this decrease in unemployment less effective?
Because there was a great increase in employment due to a Post War boom due in industries like construction (reparations).
Why was the tackling of idleness as a whole, less successful?
The people still struggled, inflation and rationing still continued into the 50s
Why was it important for Labour to introduce a two tiered education system for all?
Because, prior to WW2, the lower classes had no access to secondary education.
What did this two tiered education system entail?
Grammar school for the more able (or tutored), and standard Secondary school for the rest.
How did this two tier education system hinder the opportunities of the working class?
Because the middle classes could afford tutors and get their kids into the Grammar schools, but the working classes could not.
What else did Labour do to tackle ignorance?
They made education compulsory until the age of 15 and introduced uni grants.
A. Thorpe (ignorance)…
“In education, Labour was not inactive at all.”
What act was passed in 1946, providing universal healthcare?
The 1946 National Health Service act.
How was the NHS less successful?
Because it was extremely expensive, resulting in cutbacks.
What percentage of previously private Doctors agreed to join the service?
RC Birch (healthcare)
“The single greatest achievement in the story of the welfare state.”
How much of the nation was covered in terms of healthcare on the previous scheme?
Less than half.