Unit 1 (key q 3&4) Flashcards
Explain the difference between thematic maps and reference maps
Reference maps show absolute location and geographic features
Thematic maps show and tell stories or information about a movement of a geographic phenomenon
How do global positioning systems work?
Work by allowing us to locate features on earth accurately by navigating us to places and considering all conditions while doing so
Explain how Fredericksburg, Virginia has changed its relative location
The place around Virginia changed due to war and other conditions
How are mental maps formed
Through our studies and information we take in
Which of our mental maps are most accurate
Mental maps within our activity spaces (places that we travel daily to)
Define terra-incognita
Unknown lands that are off limits
What are toponyms
Place names
Define remote sensing
Collected by satellites and aircraft. That monitor earth’s surface from a distance and collects information and observations about it
Define geographic information systems (GIS)
Compare spacial data by creating digital images of the environment to create maps with patterns and processes
How can GIS lead to lucrative jobs
Training in GIS technology branches over a wide variety of fields
How can GIS aid in the fight against disease
Can map out the probability of spread in order to make predictions on where it will spread
how does scale affect observation
scale affects observation by determining how much detail can be seen or observed. At different scales, we can also see different patterns that mean different things depending on how you look at it
how is the local map that shows the median family income in Washington D.C. more accurate than the map that shows the median family income by state & province
the median income by state is representative of the whole state and does not include particular small details such as neighborhoods. Specific neighborhoods may be way below or way above the median, so looking at the scale of the state as a whole is not very representative, and therefore, more inaccurate
how have some Americans altered their definition of the perceptual region “The Middle East” since the terrorist attacks of 9/11
Before 9/11, Americans thought that the middle east region included Iraq and Iran, but didn’t go more east than that. However after 9/11 occurred, the perception of the Middle East changed to include Afghanistan & Pakistan
what methods did Wilbur Zelinsky use when constructing his map of the 12 major perceptual regions in the U.S.
analyzed telephone directories of areas in the U.S. & Canada. noting the frequency with which businesses used regional or locational terms in their listings.
how is culture a system of meaning?
its characteristics are maintained through communication and learning.
how can two regions act as a cultural hearth for the same idea or invention?
they can act as independent inventors where a cultural trait develops in more than one place independently
how can cultural taboos inhibit the spread of an idea?
they can pose as cultural barriers, preventing the spread of ideas (prohibiting alcohol, certain meats)
where a cultural trait originates
explain how “under armor” spread
through hierarchical and contagious diffusion as it diffused from college and professional football players to lacrosse players to normal athletes to just regular people.
hierarchical diffusion
a pattern in which the main channel of diffusion is some segment of those who are susceptible to (or are already adapting) what is being diffused.
» ex. Under Armor diffused from college and professional football players to lacrosse players and other athletes who were friends of the football players, and eventually it became a trend
distance-controlled spreading of an idea through a local population by contact from person to person
when an idea diffuses from its cultural hearth, but the original idea is changed by the new adapters.