Unit 1/Jean Piaget Theory Flashcards
What is the sensorimotor stage?
-it is the infants knowledge of the world which is very limited and is limited to their sensory perceptions and motor activites
- In this stage they utalize skills and abilities they were born with. (looking,sucking,grasping)
- they develope understanding of the consequences of their actions
What happens when they are 8 months in the sensorimotor stage?
-when they are 8 months they aqqauire object permanance which means object contunue to exist even if we cant see it
what is the pre-operational stage?
-childeren develope language and begin to think in words and develope symbolic play (e.g horse as broom)
-they experiance egocentrism
-lack conservation
What does egocentrism mean in the pre-operational stage?
- diffuculty understanding other peoples perspectives
What does lacking conservation mean in the pre-operational stage?
-understanding the pyschical attributes of an object staying the same when the apperance has changed
what is the concrete operations?
- at the beginning kids understand conservation
- they are able to classify objects and group them together on the basis of color, shape etc.
What is formal operations?
- Develope the ability ti think about abstract concepts
- also have the ability to approach problems in an organzied matter rather than trial and error
- it is also connected to solving mathematical equations
- childeren/teens and adults need to develope a deeper understanding of our own identity and reality becoming more passionate