Unit 1 - Islam Belief Flashcards
What are the Six Articles of Faith in Sunni Islam.
- The Oneness of Allah
- Angels
- Sources of Authority
- Supremacy of Allah
- Day of Judgement
- Prophets and Messengers
What are the Five Roots in Shi’a Islam
- Tawhid
- Justice of Allah
- Nubuwwah (Prophethood)
- Al-Ma’ad (resurrection)
- Imamate (leadership)
What are the differences between Sunni and Shi’a beliefs
- Sunni Muslims believe in angels who deliver revelations.
- Shi’a Muslims believe in the Imamate which means leadership.
- Sunni Muslims believe in Sources of Authority or books
What do Muslims believe about the Nature of Allah?
- Tawhid- The Oneness of God
- Muslims believe that Allah is One God, indivisible and absolute
How does Allah demonstrate this quality?
How does this influence Muslims today?
- Allah is beyond and outside life on earth and the universe.
- Allah is able to control and act in the world, but not be affected by it.
- ## “Nothing there is like Him”. (Surah 42:11)
- Muslims will focus on prayer and ask God for guidance as he is outside of the world
How does Allah demonstrate this quality?
How does this influence Muslims today?
- Two of the 99 names of Allah are: ‘the Absolute’ and ‘the powerful’
- ## “… He who is the All-knowing, the All Powerful, able to do anything”.
- Muslims will demonstrate resilience and determination when faced with a problem.
How does Allah demonstrate this quality?
How does this influence Muslims today?
- The idea that God is present in and involved with life on earth and in the universe.
- “We are nearer to man than his jugular
— - Muslims will focus on activities such as Salah (prayer) and sawm (fasting) as despite Allah’s greatest he can be contacted by humans through prayer.
Beneficent and Merciful
How does Allah demonstrate this quality?
How does this influence Muslims today?
- Beneficent - benevolent, all-loving, all-good.
- Merciful - the quality of God that shows compassion or forgiveness to humans, even though he has the power to punish them.
- “In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
— - Muslims should be merciful and forgiving to those who cause them offence.
- They will donate to charity to remember the less fortunate.
How does Allah demonstrate this quality?
How does this influence Muslims today?
- The idea that God treats people fairly and impartially without favour or discrimination.
- ## “Be steadfast witnesses for Allah in equity and let not hatred of any people seduce you that you deal not justly”.
- Muslims will behave justly to other people so they will be rewarded on the Day of Judgement.
- Muslims will try to implement Shari’ah law (the holy law of Islam) to ensure the world is governed in a fair way.
What are the significance of Angles?
- Angels are able to directly talk to God and pass his messages on to human beings as they are pure and sinless.
- Allah ‘made the messengers having wings, two, three or four.’
- Muslims believe the purpose of angels is to obey Allah: ‘We don’t descend except for the command of the Lord’. Therefore they have no free will.
- Angels have the power to take on human form when appearing to people whom they wish to message
What is the importance of Angle Jibril?
- First thing given life by Allah/in charge of paradise
- The arch angle - in charge of all the angles
- Jibril spoke with many prophets who received revelations from Allah
- Brought down the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (saw)
What is the importance of Angel Mika’il?
- He is the giver of rain and sustenance
- He provides spiritual help to the soul and material help to the body
What is predesitination?
The idea that God knows or determines everything that will happen in the universe.
What do Muslims believe about Akhirah (afterlife)?
For Muslims, Akhirah definitely exists. On Earth, Muslims’ lives are tested by Allah and the end result is Akhirah.
Describe The Angel of Death, the grave and Barzakh
- Soul is taken by the angel of death called Azra’il.
- The soul sees everything but is unable to communicate.
- Two angels visit to ask questions
- If these are answered correctly it is believed that the soul is made comfortable to sleep until the Day of Judgement. If not, it is tormented by angels.
- After this stage, waiting for the Day of Judgement is called Barzakh (barrier). This is not governed by time and there is no return to life even to warn or help others.