Unit 1: Introduction to Systematic Theology Flashcards
What is systematic theology?
Any study that answers the question, “What does the whole Bible teach us today?” about any given topic. It’s an organized way of studying God.
Why should theology not be divorced from the grand story of Scripture?
The danger is taking verses out of context. This is prevented by looking at the whole storyline to avoid warped theology.
What are other disciplines related to systematic theology? There are seven others.
Historical theology, philosophical theology, apologetics, christian ethics, old testament theology, new testament theology, and biblical theology
What does the Bible teach about prayer?
Systematic theology
How does the teaching regarding prater develop in the Bible?
Biblical theology
What does Paul teach about prayer?
New Testament theology
What do the Psalms teach about prayer?
Old Testament theology
How did the fourth century Christians pray?
Historical theology
What does the _________ _________ teach us _________?
whole bible, today
Why is a carefully organized approach essential in studying systematic theology?
A carefully organized approach can ensure that all topics receive thorough consideration. Topics can be treated in much more detail, and doctrinal summaries can be formulated with much more accuracy.
What are doctrines?
A doctrine is what the whole Bible teaches us today about some particular topic. Each doctrine has sub-doctrines/beliefs.
True or False: An initial assumption of this course is that the Bible is our only absolute standard of truth.
Why is it significant that “The God who is spoken of in the Bible exists and ism who the Bible says he is.”
This means that the Bible is a source by which we can understand God. He has given us a way to know Him.
Where is the basic reason to study theology cited?
Matthew 28:19-20
What is the basic reason to study theology?
So we can go and make disciples
What benefits does studying theology provide to our lives?
- It helps us to overcome our wrong ideas.
- It helps us make better decisions about doctrine later on.
- It helps us to grow as Christians.
How should we study systematic theology? (6 ways)
With prayer, with humility, with reason, with help from others, by collecting and understanding all the relevant passages on any topic, and with rejoicing and praise.
With prayer
psalm 119:18 (open my eyes) & Ephesians 1:16-18
With humility
1 peter 5:5 (God opposes the proud and favors the humble) & James 3:13-18 (humility from wisdom)
How should we use reason in theological study?
We should use our reasoning to deduce conclusions from scripture as long as these deductions don’t contradict scripture’s other teachings
With help from others
1 corinthians 12:28
How should we go about collecting all the relevant passages on any topic?
- Ask ChatGPT multiple times to find all the relevant verses
- Read, make notes, and summarize the points made
- Summarize the teachings into one or more points that the Bible affirms on that subject
With rejoicing and praise
psalm 19:8 & psalm 119:14,103,111,162 & romans 11:33-36
How would you respond to people who point out that claiming the Bible is authoritative uses circular reasoning?
All arguments for an absolute authority must appeal to that authority for proof. Otherwise, the authority would not be an absolute or highest authority.
What does it mean when we say the Bible has authority?
That all the words in scripture are God’s words (in such a way that to disbelieve/disobey any word in scripture is to disbelieve/disobey God)
How does understanding the authority of Scripture impact your personal faith?
We can trust that it’s true whether we like it or not. It should move us to praise and awe because the infinite God wants to communicate with us. To reject the Bible is to reject God.
What Bible verses affirm the authority of the Bible?
2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21 & 3:15-16, 1 Timothy 5:18 with Luke 10:7
“thus says the Lord” Deuteronomy 18:18-20, Jeremiah 1:9
What is the cycle of self attestation we see in the New Testament?
Peter affirms Paul, Luke (speaking for Jesus) affirms Peter, and Paul affirms Jesus
“The words of scripture are self-attesting.” (T/F)
Is the dictation from God his sole means of communication?
Is other manuscript/archaeological evidence about scripture convincing?
It’s helpful but not finally convincing. Same with the unity of scripture and the fulfillment of prophecy
What are some scripture references that support the claim “To disbelieve or disobey any word of scripture is to disbelieve or disobey God”?
Luke 24:25, John 15:20, 1 Peter 3:1-2
Can God lie/speak falsely?
What Bible verses affirm that God can’t lie?
Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18, Numbers 23:19
If God can’t lie:
all the words in scripture are completely true and without error in any part
Might some new fact ever contradict the Bible?
It might contradict our understanding of the scripture but not scripture itself
God’s words are the ultimate:
standard of truth (John 17:17)
What are some implications if scripture was found to have errors?
- God is not truthful or all powerful
- We can’t trust his promises or our salvation
the truthfulness of scripture:
ensures its authority in all aspects of life
What isn’t a challenge to the inerrancy of Scripture?
all original manuscripts were without errors
What are some challenges to the inerrancy of Scripture?
the bible is only authoritative for faith & practice, the term inerrancy is a poor term (authoritative/trustworthy is better), we have no original manuscripts so talk of an inerrant bible is misleading (copying errors, we don’t know the originals), biblical writers accommodated their messages in minor details to the false ideas in their day, there are errors in the bible (many make this claim with little evidence), some might argue this is a theoretical doctrine
inerrancy means that scripture in the original manuscripts:
does not affirm anything which is contrary to fact
the bible can be inerrant and still:
speak in the ordinary language of everyday speech (sun rising/setting) + include loose/free quotations
what is also consistent with the inerrancy of scripture?
unusual or uncommon grammar constructions
What are some problems that arise if we deny the inerrancy of scripture?
- serious moral probkem: can we imitate God & intentionally lie in small matters?
- we will wonder if we can trust God in anything he says
- we make our human minds a higher standard of truth than God’s word (swapping final appeals to authority)
- we must say the Bible isn’t only wrong in minor details but also in some of its doctrines too
the bible is inerrant in all:
doctrine and history
we must not try to ______; we should seek to ________
improve on the words of the Bible (they’re God’s words so this is impossible); understand them and then trust and obey them with our whole heart
What does the clarity of scripture imply about its accessibility to believers?
the essential teachings necessary for salvation and living righteously can be understood by lay believers without requiring scholars or an intermediary; this means that the bible is accessible to all believers including children and those with no formal (theological) education; we can read the bible;es ourselves with guidance from the holy spirit rather than taking the word of religious authorities
deuteronomy 6:7 emphasizes teaching scripture to:
children when you sit in your house, walk by the way, lie down, and rise up; this is significant bc scripture affirms its own clarity
reflect on psalm 19:7; how does the scripture’s perfection and surety affect its ability to make wise the simple?
the process begins with trusting scripture is perfect and sufficient (philippians 1:1 which shows the bible is meant for all believers)
According to 1 Corinthians 2:14, who cannot understand the things of the Spirit of God?
thought all CAN understand the bible, not all do; the natural person can’t understand the supernatural and we all were natural before being touched by the holy spirit bc we are all born natural (God has to make the first move)
Discuss the implications of 2 corinthians 4:3-4 for evangelism and apologetics
we don’t have to worry about our weak rhetoric or poor public speaking bc God is responsible for the first move, it’s not about how convicting we are; we can put our faith in God bc we aren’t the ones that save them; also, we must sow seeds of the gospel and see who God stirs in response
what is the clarity of scripture?
the clarity of scripture means the bible is written in a way that it’s teachings can be understood by all who read it while seeking God’s help and being willing to follow it
what are some reasons people misunderstand scripture?
- lack of faith/hardness of heart (some choose not to believe)
- poor hermeneutics (hasn’t correctly interpreted scripture)
- poor exegesis (doesn’t know the text)
practical encouragement of the doctrine of the clarity of scripture
- we can come to agree on a matter of doctrinal difference
- we may have been looking to affirm matters scripture doesn’t mention
- we may have mistakenly interpreted scripture
- we can read the bible without assuming only a scholar can understand it
general revelation =
creation (I can see there’s a God)
special revelation =
scripture (I’m a sinner in need of a messiah and only through him can I go to heaven)
scripture is necessary for:
knowing the gospel, maintaining spiritual life (matt 4:4 it’s our food), and knowing God’s will
scripture is NOT necessary for:
proving God’s existence (we can see this through creation)
how does romans 10:13-17 enhance our understanding of the necessity of scripture for salvation?
it shows us that it’s necessary for knowledge of the gospel; if you call on the Lord you will be saved but you only call on him when you hear and believe though missionaries/evangelists with scripture
what is the role of scholarship in scripture?
scholars help us understand the bible and defend it better
what is the sufficiency of scripture?
scripture contained all the words of God he intended his people to have at each stage of redemptive history (progressive revelation), and that it now contains everything we need God to tell us for salvation for trusting and obeying him perfectly
according to 2 timothy 3:15-17, what does the sufficiency of scripture help with?
teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness
considering deuteronomy 4:2 and revelation 22:18-19, why is it important not to add or subtract from scripture?
because God commands us not to and we don’t need any more than what God gave us
what practical ways does the sufficiency of scripture influence our daily lives?
- we can find everything God has said on particular topics and answer our questions (he gives us everything we need to know for what God requires us to think/do)
- the amount of scripture given was sufficient at each stage of redemptive history
- search the bible for answers, don’t add to scripture, DON’T COUNT ANY OTHER GUIDANCE FROM GOD EQUAL TO SCRIPTURE, don’t add more requirements, be content with scripture