Unit 1 - International Relations: Terms Flashcards
Grand alliance
The USA Britain and the US S are who work together to defeat the Nazis during World War II
A political system involving their democratic elections, a one party state propaganda, censorship, no freedom of speech, and everything of state owned
A political system involving democratic elections, different parties, individual freedom but extremes of wealth and poverty, freedom of speech and movement, free trade and private ownership
Wartime conferences
The three conferences during which the USA, Britain and the USSR discussed how to defeat the Nazis.
The Teheran Conference - 1943
Yalta- 1945
Potsdam - 1945
The USA and the USSR
Buffer zone
Stalin’s spread of communism across Eastern Europe
Iron Curtain
What Churchill called Stalin’s totalitarian control over Eastern Europe
The council for mutual economic assistance it was the USSR’s alternative to the Marshall plan
The Communist Information Bureau - it organised all the Communist parties in Europe and arrange leadership so they would do what Moscow told them to do
The USA’s attempt to hold back the spread of communism
Temporary occupations zones
During the postwar conferences they decided to divide Germany up into four zones - France, Britain, USA & USSR
A set of political ideas about how society should be run
Neutralising Stalin’s influence by revising his policies
The relaxation of tension between the superpowers
Arms race
Race between the USA and the USSR to see you could have the most military arms
Mutually assured destruction - I doctrine where both superpowers had enough military arms to destroy each other so neither wanted to use them
Hawks and Doves
Kennedys two sides of advisors during the Cuban missile crisis the Hawks were more aggressive whereas the doves were determined to take a more peaceful approach