Unit 1 Glossary Flashcards
Also known as a aesthetician; a specialist in the cleansing, beautification, and preservation of the health of skin on the entire body, including the face and neck.
Also known as Aesthetics; from the Greek word “Aesthetikos” (Meaning perceptible to the senses); a branch of anatomical science that deals with the overall health and well-being of the skin, the largest organ of the human body.
A dye obtained from the powdered leaves and shoots of the mignonette tree; used as a reddish hair dye and in tattooing.
Medical Aesthetics
Also known as “Medical Esthetics” the integration of surgical procedures and esthetic treatments.
The art of manipulating materials on the anatomic or molecular scale.
The moral principles that we live and work by.
Game Plan
The conscience act of planning your life instead of just letting things happen.
Goal Setting
The identification of long-term or short-term goals that help you decide what you want out of your life.
Mission Statement
A statement that establishes the values that an individual or institution lives and works by, as well as future goals.
An unhealthy compulsion to do things perfectly.
To make a list of tasks that need to be done in the order of most to least important
Putting off until tomorrow what you can get done today.
Ergonomically Correct Posture
One that is healthy for the human spine
The science of designing the work place it’s equipment and tools to make specific body movements more comfortable and efficient.
Personal Hygiene
Daily maintenance of cleanliness and healthfulness through certain sanitary practices.
Physical Presentation
A person’s physical posture, walk and movements.
Professional Image
The impression projected by a person engaged in any profession, consisting of outward appearance and conduct exhibited in the workplace.
Client Consultation
Also known as the needs assessment; The verbal communication with a client determines what the client needs and how to achieve the desired results.
The act of successfully sharing information between two people, or groups of people, so that it is effectively understood.
Consent Form
A customary written agreement between the client and the estheician and/or salon or spa for applying a particular treatment, whether routine or preoperative.
Reflective Listening
Listening to the client and then repeating in your own words, what you think the client is telling you.
A method of compensation that is percentage based and is directly related to the employee’s performance; for example , the employee earns a certain percentage of whatever services they perform and/or a certain percentage of the amount of product they sell.
Deductive Reasoning
The process of reaching logical conclusions by employing logical reasoning.
Franchised Salon or Spa
A salon or spa owned by individual(s) who pay a certain fee to use the company name and is part of a larger organization or chain of salons. The franchise operates according to a specified business plan and set protocols.
Independent Contractor
Is someone who sets their own fee;s controls their own hours, has their own business card, and pay their taxes.
Information Interview
A scheduled meeting or conversation whose sole purpose is to gather information.
Booth Rental
Arrangement in which the esthetician is required to pay the owner a set rental fee, along with payment of utilities as agreed upon, to operate in a specific space within the owner’s establishment.
Business Plan
A strategy for understanding key elements in developing business; also serves as a guide to making informed business decisions; also serves as a guide to making informed business decisions; a written description of your business as you see it today, and as you foresee it in the next 5 years detailed year by year.
Money needed to invest in a business
Consumption Supplies
Supplies used to conduct daily business operations.
Form of business ownership whereby one or more stockholders share ownership; the corporation is considered an independent legal entity separate and distinct from it’s owners with it’s own rights, privileges, and liabilities.
The particular identifying characteristics of an area or population, such a specific size, age, sex, or ethnicity of it’s residents; average income; education attainment, and buying habits.
Employee Manual
Handbook or guide for employees; contains important general information about salon operations, such as the number of sick days or vacation time allowed, holiday closing, how to call in late or sick, and the appropriate dress code for employees.
Fixed Costs
Operating costs that are constant, for example, rent and loan payments.
Form of business ownership in which two or more people share ownership, although this does not necessarily mean an equal arrangement. A partnership assumes the others unlimited liability for debt. Profits are shared among partners.
Employees; Staff
Procedural Guide
Manual or set instructions designed to standardize operations; supplies specific protocols for conducting individual services, such as the expected method for performing a glycolic or microdermabrasion treatment.
Amount of money available after all expenses are subtracted from all revenues.
Public Relations
Also known as PR; planning and developing of relationships to achieve a certain desired behavior.
Income generated from selling services and products, or money taken.
Retail Supplies
Items available for sale to clients.
Sole Proprietorship
Form of business ownership in which an individual acts as sole owner and manager and is responsible for determining all policies and making all the necessary decisions associated with running a business.
Variable Costs
Business expenses that fluctuate, such as utilities, supplies, and advertising.
Job Distription
Specified list of duties and responsibilities that are required of an employee in the performance of his or her job.
A method of increasing contacts and building relationships to further one’s career.
A method for gauging the amount of sales and targeting productions levels.
A written summary of education and work experience that highlights relevant accomplishments and achievements.
Role Model
A person whose behavior and success are worthy of emulation.
A method of compensation that specifies a certain amount of pay based on either a flat or hourly rate.
Test Wise
Refers to a student who begins to prepare for taking a test by practicing good study habits and time management as part of an effective study program.
Transferable Skills
Those abilities, such as sales training or administrative skills, that were mastered at other jobs and can be applied to a new position.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
A federal act passed in 1996 and enacted on April 14, 2003 outlining federal privacy standards for patients. The act covers access to medical records, notice of privacy practices, limitations on use of personal medical information, prohibitions on using patient information for marketing, stronger state laws, confidential communications, and compliant procedures.
Describes the practice and/or philosophy of treating the person as a while and remaining alert to all of a client’s needs rather than focusing solely on a disease or disorder.
A term originally meaning “health through water.” Today it most often refers to day spas or destinations spas where clients can find a wide range of treatments.
Spa Therapy
Water treatments provided in a spa.