Unit 1: Exam 1 Flashcards
There are three types of motion present within an atom, they are:
Electrons spinning, electrons orbiting and the nucleus itself spinning.
The _________________ of hydrogen produces a significant vector that is used in clinical MRI.
Net magnetic vector
At 1.5T the precessional frequency of Hydrogen is:
63.86 MHz
The laws of electromagnetic induction refer to three individual forces:
Motion, magnetism and charge
The Hydrogen atom is utilized in MRI because:
It is very abundant in the human body
The _______________ is the time from the application of one RF pulse to the application the next pulse for each slice and is measured in milliseconds
The decay of transverse magnetization is called ____________.
T2 decay
The recovery of 63% of longitudinal magnetization in the tissue is called _______________.
T1 relaxation time
The __________is produced when coherent (in phase) magnetization cuts across the coil.
MRI signal / Echo
The ____________ is the time from the application of the pulse to peak of the signal induced in the coil and is also measured in milliseconds (ms).
The influence of B0 produces an additional spin, or wobble of the magnetic moments of hydrogen around B0. This secondary spin is called:
The Larmor frequency states, the Larmor frequency of a __________ is proportional to the magnetic field strength it experiences.
Hydrogen Nucleus
In a T2 weighted image
TE controls the amount of T2 weighting so the TE must be long
The factors that affect image contrast in diagnostic imaging are usually divided into two categories:
Intrinsic & Extrinsic contrast parameters
Sequences that use a 180 degree pulse to regenerate a signal are called:
Spin echo pulse sequence
_________________ are generated by coils of wire situated within the bore of the magnet.
Magnetic field gradients
The time taken to rephase after the application of 180 degree
RF pulse equals the time the NMV took to diphase when the 90 degree RF pulse was withdrawn is called:
Whether a gradient field adds or subtracts from the main magnetic field depends on the direction of the current passing through the gradient coils, this is called:
Gradients that dephase are called ______ & gradients that rephrase are called ___________.
Spoilers / rewinders
The middle of the axis of the gradients remains at field strength of the main magnetic field and is termed:
Magnetic isocenter
Fat remains bright on T2 weighted images due to the multiple RF pulses which reduce the effects of spin-spin interactions in fat & this is known as:
J coupling
TE at which the operator wishes to weight the resultant image is called _______________.
Effective TE
Another modification to Single shot fast spin echo is a reverse flip angle excitation pulse which is applied at the end of the echo train. This is called?
DRIVE (driven equilibrium)
This gradient echo was initially developed for imaging of the heart & great vessels but is now used for spinal imaging.
_______________ is used in brain & spine imaging to see Periventricular & cord lesions more clearly.
Gradients can be used to dephase & rephase the residual magnetization. _______________ is the opposite of rewinding.
Gradient spoiling