Unit 1 Eco Chapter 01 Glossary Flashcards
Things/Materials that are used to produce goods and services
Basic goods and services that are not necessary for survival but can help and/or benefit.
Opportunity Cost
The benefit foregone (or sacrificed) when a choice is made
The value of the next best alternative foregone when a choice is made.
Productive/technical efficiency
Situation where a nation’s resources are producing the maximum amount possible and at the lowest cost
Allocative efficiency
Where resources need to be used in the economy that provide the maximum possible benefits for consumers and the nation
Consumer sovereignty
Buyers/consumers primarily determine what will be produced in Australia
Public sector
Made up of all levels of the Government - commonwealth, state and local governments.
Private sector
Made up of the household, business and not-for-profit sectors.
An examination of the smaller parts that makes up the entire economy
An examination of aspects or performance of the entire economy
Economic activity
Activities that take place in order to make our lives more enjoyable and/or activity designed to help us achieve our goals to complete daily chores
Any place or region around the world where production of goods and services takes place, expenditure and income is occurred due to selling and buying of goods and services.
The process of making a good or services.
Money given to those involved in the production of goods and services such as wages.
The spending of income on goods and services
Economic agents
Any individual, group or body required to make decisions when there are numerous alternative options available.
The people and businesses that need to decide the best way to combine resources in order to make the most profit
People that decide the best way to use their skills in order to maximize their income satisfaction
Basic goods and services that are necessary for our survival such as food, clothing and shelter.
Land/natural resources
Resources that occur in nature to generate more elaborate products. Eg: water, forests, minerals, animals, fruits and vegetables.
Mental and physical effort by humans in the production process.
Eg: workers employed by business or governments
Resources that have been made by combining labour and natural resource to create a more optics red input in the production process
Eg: machinery, factories, equipment
Skills of individuals who combine our resources to produce goods and services.
Eg: Bill Gates, James Packer, business owners…etc
Relative scarcity
When there is not enough resources to satisfy all our needs and wants.
Study of individuals, businesses, governments and other groups deciding about how our scares resources are to be allocated
Resource allocation
Resources need to be used in the economy in combinations that provide the maximum possible benefits for consumers and the nation.