Unit-1 Diet Counselling Flashcards
What are health needs assessment?
Health needs assessment is the systematic approach to ensuring that the health service uses its resources to improve the health of the population in the most efficient way
What does it involve?
It involves epidemiological, qualitative, and comparative methods to describe health problems of a population; identify inequalities in health and access to services; and determine priorities for the most effective use of resources
What are the components of health assessment?
History Taking
Physical Examination of various system
Nutritional assessment
Related investigations and diagnostic assessment
What is the purpose of assessment?
To gather information regarding the client health
To determine client’s normal function
To organize the collected information
To confirm the hypothesis growing out of the nurse’s interview
To enhance the investigation of nursing problems
To frame nursing diagnosis
It increases greater managing skills of handling patient problem
To increase the health problems
To identify the clients strenght
To identify need for health teaching
What are the different types of assessment?
What is initial assessment? And what is its purpose?
Performed within specified time after admission to a health care agency
P: is to establish a complete data base for problem identification, reference, and future comparision
What is focus assessment? AKA? Its Purpose?
It is an ongoing process integrated with the nursing care.
AKA: ongoing assessment
P: to determine the status of a specific problem identified in an earlier assessment and to identify new or over looked problem
What is emergency assessment? Its purpose?
It is done during physiologic and psychologic crisis of the client
P: To identify life threatening condition or problems
What is Time lapsed assessment?
Done several months after the initial assessment
P: to compare the client’s status to baseline data previously obtained
What are the methods of assessment?
What is observing?
It is a consious, deliberate skill that is developed only through and with an organized approach
What is interviewing? What are its approaches?
It is a planned communication or a conversation with a purpose
ex: history taking
Approaches are directive and non directive
What is examining?
Physical examination is a sytematic data collection method that uses obsevational skills to detect health problems
To conduct the examination the nurse uses techniques of onspection, auscultation, palpation, and percussion
What are the types of data?
What is subjective data?
they are verbal statements provided by the patient. statements about nausea and descriptions of pain and fatigue are examples of subjective data