Unit 1: Civil War Flashcards
Who escaped from slavery and wrote books against slavery?
Frederick Douglas
What is an abolitionist
Someone who joined the movement to abolish, or end, slavery. Most felt slavery was wrong.
Name a confederate General who had experience after serving in the Mexican war.
Robert E Lee
What are tarrifs
a Tax on imported goods
What are States Rights?
The idea that states, not the Federal government, should make final decisions
Loyalty to one part of the country
John C. Calhoun
US. Senator and Vice President of the US - he argued for slavery and States Rights. He was from South Carolina.
George Madison
A slave owner from Virginia who called slavery a “National Sin”
Describe the North before the Civil War
Had factories, did not slavery, did not support States Rights. THE NORTH PASSED LAWS TO END SLAVERY.
Describe the South before the Civil War
Had more farming, needed slavery to support King Cotton, believed in States Rights, did not want to pay tariffs to the Federal Government.
Who was Nat Turner?
Nat Turner was an enslaved AFrican American who, in Virginia in 1831, let a rebellion against slave owners.
What happened during Nat Turner’s Rebellion?
He ahd his followers killed 59 people before being stopped by the local militia.
What happened as a result of Nat Turner’s Rebellion?
Southern states passed laws to control enslaved and free blacks.
Why was slavery important to the Southern economy before the Civil War?
Southern farmers wanted more enslaved people to work in their cotton field where they were growing cotton which was in big demand by Britain and New England.
What led to the growth of slavery in the early 1800s?
The Cotton Gin - The cotton gin made cotton to produce and helped make raising cotton more profitable
What was the economy of the South before the Civil War?
Agriculture, or mostly farming. Some southerners worked on large cotton plantations. Many more had small farms and grew food crops.
Did everyone in the South grow cotton?
Many people had food crops such as corn, or raised cattle and pigs.
What did tariffs do to help northern industries?
Taxes on imported goods from other countries made products made in the US north more affordable.
Name some abolitionist.
William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglas and Soujourner Truth.
Who was William Garrison?
He was an abolitionist that printed a newspaper called The Liberator which demanded all enslaved people should be freed.
Who was Frederick Douglass?
He escaped from slavery and raised enough money to buy his freedom. He was a writer and often to white audiences about slavery.
Who was Sojourner Truth?
After escaping slavery, she became an abolitionist who often spoke about ending slavery and women’s rights.
Who were Sarah and Angelina Grimble?
These sisters were daughters of slave owners who, as adults, moved North and spoke out against slavery.
What is Discrimination?
The unfair treatment of people of a particular group.
What was the Underground Railroad?
The underground railroad was a series of escape routes and hiding places to bring slaves out of the South.
Who was Harriett Tubman?
Harriett Tubman escaped from slavery and then returned to the South 19 times to save more than 300 people from slavery.
What is a fugitive?
A person who is running away.
What was the Fugitive Slave Law?
A law that said if slaves who had escaped to the North had to be returned to slavery.
Who was Harriett Beecher Stowe?
She was a writer from New England who was against the Fugitive Slave Law. She wrote Uncle Toms Cabin.
What was Uncle Toms Cabin about?
Uncle Toms Cabin described the cruelties of slavery and pointed out that it was not jus the South’s problem.
What was the Dred Scott Case?
Dred Scott, an enslaved man from Missouri, asked the court for his freedom because he used to live in areas that were now free. The Supreme Court disagreed, stating that slaves were property and that living in a free area does not make you free. Also, it said that territories could not keep slavery out.
What was John Brown’s Raid?
An abolitionist tried to start a rebellion against slavery. He attacked a US Army post at Harpers Ferry, VA but was quickly captured. He was tried for treason and was hanged.
Why was John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry important to the start of the Civil War?
Northerns saw John Brown as a hero who fought against slavery. Southerns saw him as a violent man trying to destroy their way of life. This disagreement further divided the North and the South.