Unit 1 Chapter 2 Review Flashcards
What five economic characteristics affect the value of land in the marketplace?
Demand Utility or usefulness Scarcity Transferability Situs
What are the three physical characteristics of land?
Immobile or permanent
Non-homogeneous or unique
Explain the differences between the legal concepts of land and real estate.
Land encompasses the surface of the earth, whatever is below the surface, whatever is above extending into space, and every natural thing that is permanently attached to the earth. Real estate includes all this plus all man-made things permanently attached to the earth.
Name the five major rights included in the bundle of rights to real estate.
possess, use, transfer, encumber, exclude
What is the difference between littoral rights and riparian rights?
Littoral rights concern properties that border bodies of water that are not moving.
Riparian rights concern properties that border moving water such as streams and rivers
What are the legal tests that determine if an item is a fixture?
Method of annexation (attachment)
Existence of an agreement
What is an emblement and is it real or personal property?
Plants or crops that require human intervention and labor are emblements and are personal property.