Unit 1 - chapter 1 Flashcards
the scientific study of the abundance and distribution of organisms in relation to other organisms and environmental conditions
ecological systems
-biological entities that have their own internal processes and interact with their external surroundings
Individual: survival and reproduction - the unit of natural selection
Population: population dynamics - the unit of evolution
Community: interactions among species
Ecosystem: flow of energy and cycling matter
Landscape: interactions among ecosystems
Biosphere: global processes
Individual: a living being - the most fundamental unit of ecology
Individual approach: emphasizes the way in which an individual’s morphology, physiology, and behavior enable it to survive in its environment
Adaptation - a characteristic of an organism that makes it well suited to its environment
- a group of organisms that interbreed with each other and produce fertile offspring (fertile offspring is not entirely true !)
-individuals of the same species living in a particular area
population approach: emphasizes variation over time and space in the number, the density, and the composition of individuals
-all populations of species living together in a particular area
community approach: emphasizes the diversity and relative abundances of different kinds of organisms living together in the same place
- one or more communities of living organisms interacting with their non-living physical and chemical environments
ecosystem approach: emphasizes the storage and transfer of energy and matter, including the various chemical elements essential to life
- multiple ecosystems that are connected by the movement of individuals, populations, matter, and energy
landscape approach: concerned with the movement of energy, matter, and individuals between different ecosystems
- all the ecosystems on Earth
biosphere approach: concerned with the largest scale, including movements of air and water - and the energy and chemical elements they contain - over Earth’s surface
law of conservation of matter
law of conservation of energy
matter: matter cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change form
energy: energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change form. Aka first law of thermodynamics
dynamic steady state
- when gains and losses of ecological systems are in balance
organisms: energy input v energy output into survival and reproduction
within subpopulations - birth and death
among subpopulations - colonization and extinction
ecosystems: solar energy entering ecosystem, energy leaving ecosystem
natural selection: Darwin’s 5 steps
- variation: phenotypic variance
- Heritability: genetic variance and heritability
- Struggle for Existence: populations produce more offspring than the environment can support
- Selection (within a generation): some individuals have higher survival and/or reproduction than others
- Evolution (between generations): favored phenotypes increase in frequency in the next generation
organisms can be classified based on:
sources of energy: autotrophs, heterotrophs, mixotrophs
how they interact with other organisms: predator, parasitoid (eventually kills host), parasite (rarely kills host), pathogen, herbivore, competition, mutualism, commensalism (one benefits, one mutual), symbiotic, scavenger, detritivore, decomposer,
testing hypotheses with manipulative experiments
randomization: an aspect of experiment design in which every experimental unit has an equal chance of being assigned to a particular manipulation
microcosm: a simplified ecological system that attempts to replicate the essential features of an ecological system in a laboratory or field setting
natural experiment: approach that relies on natural variation in the environment
mathematical model: a representation of a system with a set of equations that correspond to hypothesize relationships among the system’s components
human impacts on ecological systems
habitat destruction
climate change
overharvesting of resources