Unit 1, Ch 1 Flashcards
variables n shit
num of times a variable occurs
Ex. 3 people like math, 3 people like English
percent of frequency out of 1
Ex. 0.5 like math, 0.5 like English
2 traits to watch out for in a chart (y, pic)
- how the y axis is labeled
- using pictures instead of bars
Things to ALWAYS put on charts (3)
- Title
- Variable labels
- Percents/quantities
Pie Chart
part of a whole
Frequency Bar Chart
- Categorical Data (its frequency)
Segmented Bar Chart
- Categorical Data
- 2 variable
- compare proportions between categorical variables
- Quantitative Data
1 Category Displays
- pie chart
- relative bar chart
- frequency bar chart
2 Category Displays
- segmented bar
- mosaic plot
- side-by-side barchart
Two Way Table
- Marginal proportion
- Joint proportion (intersection)
- Conditional proportion (union)
- Total of 1 var and total
- 1 var cell and 2 var cell intersect (AND)
- 1 cell based on another var
Categorical variable
descriptive (words)
Ex. what school do you go to
Quantitative variable
uses numbers
Ex. how many A’s do you have
How to describe misleading graph?
(2 steps)
- what’s misleading?
- in the context of the problem
What is this question about:
“Does knowing the value of 1 var help predict the value of another var?”
Whether there’s an association btwn variables or not
Association or not?
Use 1 var to predict another
- association = conditional rel frequency of 1 var is different from another