UNIT 1 - Cells Flashcards
What is the difference between unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms?
unicellular are single-celled and can carry out all of the functions of life independently while multicellular have specialized cells to carry out specific functions
What are the principles of cell theory?
- all living organisms are composed of cells.
- cells are the smallest units of life.
- cells come from pre-existing cells, by division, and therefore new cells cannot be constructed from non-living chemical substances.
- the cell contains inherited information (genes) that are used as instruction for growth, functioning and development.
- cells are the site of all chemical reactions of life (metabolism).
Give examples of limitations to cell theory (2-4).
- single cell capable of all life processes (ex. Amoebae)
- multi-nucleated (ex. muscle cells)
- can reproduce only when in control of a host cell (ex. viruses)
- no cell wall
What categories of unicellular organisms are there?
- bacteria
- protozoa
- some fungi
- some algae
ex. euglena, paramecium
List the functions of life with a brief explanation of each.
nutrition - obtaining food, to provide energy and materials needed for growth.
metabolism - chemical reactions occurring inside the cell.
growth - an irreversible increase in size.
response/sensitivity - perceiving and responding to changes in the environment.
homeostasis - keeping conditions inside the organisms within tolerable limits.
reproduction - producing offspring either sexually or asexually.
excretion - releasing toxic/harmful substances.
What is differentiation?
The development of cells in different ways to perform different functions.
What is the difference between tissues and organs?
a tissue is a group of simmilar specialised cells to perform a particular function whereas an organ is a collection of different tissues which perfom a specialised function.
How do cells in multicellular organisms differentiate?
by expressing some of their genes but not others.
What is the cost of specialization of cells?
that they are efficient at carrying out their particular function (ex. transport) but they are totally dependent on the activities of other cells.
What are emergent properties in a multicellular organism?
arising from the interaction of component parts, i.e. the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
What is the main difference between light and electron microscopes?
light microscopes use light to form an image, while electron microscope uses electrons passing through the specimen.
How to calculate the magnification of the microscope?
size of image/size of specimen.
What is the surface area to volume ratio?
by the principle of surface area to volume ratio which states that larger cells have less surface area to bring in the materials and get rid of the waste that volume allows to be brought/rid
they change shape to long and thin or/and have infoldings/outfoldings to increase surface area.
What does reproduction allows in cells?
replacement of dead/damaged cells
What are stem cells?
populations of cells within organisms that retain their ability to divide and differentiate into specialized cells.
What is binary fission?
a reproductive process in prokaryotic cells that involves replication of the single circular chromosome -> two copies of which move to opposite ends of the cell and cytokinesis follows. It creates two genetically identical daughter cells.
What is bacterial conjugation?
a process where DNA is transferred from one bacterium to another.
donor cell pulls itself close to the recipient cell by using sex pilus, then DNA is transferring between cells (in most cases in the form of a plasmid)
it enables genetical variation in prokaryotic cells
List characteristics of a prokaryotic cell and explain in short what are they responsible for.
capsule - protection, jellylike outer coating.
cell wall - made of peptidoglycan, protects and maintains the shape of the whole cell.
plasma membrane - controls the movement of materials into and out of the cell, role in binary fission.
70S ribosomes - sites of protein synthesis.
nucleoid - region containing non-compartmentalized DNA as a single, long, continuous circular thread (bacterial chromosome), involved in cell control and reproduction.
fimbriae/pili - attachment, sexual reproduction (sex pili only!).
flagella - locomotion
cytoplasm - all cellular processes occur within
plasmid - additional genetic material, small DNA molecule (ex. for antibiotic resistance)
List 6 differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
- prokaryotic has naked DNA, while eukaryotes have it wrapped around histone proteins to form nucleosomes.
- DNA in cytoplasm in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes enclosed in a nuclear envelope.
- in prokaryotic cells DNA is circular, in eukaryotes linear.
- in prokaryotic cells there are no membrane bound structures, in eukaryotes there are (such as mitochondria, ER, Golgi apparatus).
- plasmid present in prokaryotes, no need in eukaryotes.
- smaller 70S ribosomes in prokaryotic cells, larger 80S ribosomes in eukaryotic.
Why is compartmentalization important in eukaryotic cells?
to enable chemical reactions to be separated and occur simultaneously.
List organelles of the eukaryotic cell.
- cytoplasm
- endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough)
- 80s ribosomes
- lysosomes
- Golgi apparatus
- nucleus
- chloroplasts
- vacuoles
- peroxisomes
- centrosomes
What does nucleus consist of and what are the particular functions of its elements?
nuclear envelope/membrane with pores - allows compartmentalization, however, through pores exit small subunits of ribosomes.
chromatin - uncoiled chromosomes spread through the nucleus.
nucleolus - ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is synthesized from instructions in the DNA, also proteins imported from the cytoplasm are assembled with rRNA into large and small subunits of ribosomes.
How are mitochondria built (with functions)?
double membrane
inner membrane folded intro cristae - site of chemical reactions
matrix - site of chemical reactions, fluid within
ribosomes 70S
DNA in circular chromosome - some autonomy within the cell
intermembrane space
proton pumps and ETC and ATP synthase
What is the general function of mitochondria?
btw cells with high energy requirements = lots of mitochondria (ex. muscle cells)
How is endoplasmic reticulum built and what is its function?
- tubes and flattened sacs.
- continuous with plasma and nuclear membrane.
- ribosomes on rough endoplasmic reticulum - responsible for protein synthesis.
- no ribosomes on smooth endoplasmic reticulum- site for lipid and carbohydrate metabolism (hormone synthesis).
most cells contain both sER and rER with rough closer to nuclear membrane.
How is GOLGI apparatus built?
flattened membrane sacs - cisternae.
membrane-bound vesicles
cis side - receives products form ER and moves to cisternae.
trans side - has small vesicles that carry modified materials to wherever they are needed inside or outside the cell.
What is the main function of Golgi apparatus?
to collect, package, modify and distribute proteins.
What is a lysosome, where is it created, how it is built and what’s its function?
enzymes that many eukaryotic cells use to digest (hydrolyze) macromolecules
its created in the Golgi apparatus
does not have any internal structures, just a sac bounded by a single membrane containing up to 40 different hydrolitic enzynmes that catalyse the breakdown of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates.
they fuse with old/damaged organelles to break them down to recycle the components, also involved in digesting the products brought into by phagocytosis.
What is and what is the function of a peroxisome?
its a self-replicating organelle containing oxidative enzymes (e.g. catalase).
it gets rid of the toxic substances.
How are ribosomes made and what is their function?
they are made of a small and large protein subunit and ribosomal RNA synthesized in the nucleolus.
they synthesize proteins.
What is a centrosome made of, where does it occur and what’s its function?
its made of a pair of centrioles at a right angle (composed of microtubules)
it occurs in animal cells near the nucleus
assemble microtubules (important for cell division)
What do chloroplast consist of, where do they occur and what is their function?
each chloroplast has a sustem of flattened membranous sacs - thylakoids containing chlorophyll
a stack of thylakoids is called granum (pl grana), its a double membrane bound organelle, the fluid inside is called stroma, they contain 70S ribosomes and DNA which makes them semi-autonomous organelles.
they occur exclusively in plant cells, especially in leaves
they are a site of photosynthesis
What vacuole consist of, what’s its function and where does it occur?
vacuole is made of a membrane - tonoplast and is filled with a fluid called cell sap
it serves as a storage area (of organic molecules and inorganic ions and water obvsly)
it occurs in plant cells and takes much of the space
(btw in young cells there are many smaller that later assemble into one large one)
What is a plant cell wall made of, what’s its function and how does it allow the movement of molecules?
its rigidity helps to support and protect the plant, maintains the shape
its freely permeable (porous) so it has no direct effect on the movement of molecules into and out of the cell
List 6 differences between animal and plant cell
- plants have plastids, animals no
- plants have a cellulose cell wall, animals only a membrane
- plants have a large central vacuole, animals small and temporary if any
- plants do not have centrioles, animal yes
- animal cells have cholesterol in their membrane, plants no
- plant cells store excess glucose as starch whereas animal cells as glycogen
- generally plant cells have a fixed regular shape, animal cells amorphous shape
What is the Gram staining method, which bacteria retain their color and which do not and why is that?
its a useful way of differentiating two types of Eubacteria
Gram-negative bacteria do not retain the colour where the dye crystal violet is added because they have large amounts of peptidoglycan(murein) in their cell walls
Gram-positive bacteria do not and therefore they retain the dye and appear purple
What is a fungi cell wall made of?
What is yeast cell wall made of?
glucan and mannan
What is algae cell wall made of?
What is a animal cell wall made of?
NOTHING, because they do not have one
however the plasma membrane is a mixture of sugar and glycoproteins
What is in general the plasma membrane made of?
almost entirely of proteins and lipids, with small amounts of carbohydrate
What is the current, correct model of the structure of a plasma membrane called and why?
The fluid mosaic model
bc the lipids and proteins are like pieces of a mosaic that can rotate and move sideways as in a fluid