Unit 1: Biological Diversity Flashcards
visible difference in behaviour or physical traits observed between organisms
Example: eye colour, hair colour, beak shape
Structural adaptation
Physical features of an organism
Example: rabbit’s fur in the summer vs winter
Behavioural adaptations
How the organism acts
Example: birds migrating in the winter
Diversity index
Measurement of the diversity of an ecosystem
Example: species divided by the total # of organisms
One species becomes another over time
Example: Galapago finches
Able to spread over large areas
Example: Wolf
Adaptations that make the organism efficient in only one environment
Example: Kooala
A symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other neither gains nor losses
Example: Sharks and remora fish
A symbiotic relationship that benefits both organisms
Example: Aphids and ants
A symbiotic relationship where one benefits at the others loss
Example: tapeworm and rodents
Role or characteristic played by an organism
Example: Narrow (Specialist) or Broad (Generalist)
Natural selection
A natural process where the best traits in an organism survive to reproduce.
Example: Camouflage of grasshoppers
Close interaction between 2 species that lasts over time
Example: Tapeworm and rodents
Asexual reproduction process where a bud forms on the parent organism the bud grows then breaks off to become a new organism
Example: flowers
Single-cell reproductive structure from wich individual offspring develops
Example: Plants, algae, fungi
Vegetative reproduction
Plants reproductive process
Example: Strawberries, tree,
Bacterial Conjugation
The direct transfer of genes (DNA) from one bacterial cell to another
Example: bacteria attach and exchange their genes
Single-celled reproductive structure formed in sexual reproduction by some fungi; zygospore contain genetic info from 2 different mating types + and -
Example: fungi
a spore of certain algae that can swim because of their flagellated tails
Example: Sperm
Sexual reproduction
reproductive process involving 2 sexes or mating types and resulting in offspring with a combination of genes from both parents
Example: Humans
Asexual reproduction
Formation of a new individual from a single organism
Example: fungi
Binary fission
Splitting of single-cell organism into 2 new ones
Example: Starfish, cuttings from plants
Reproductive cell containing half the # of chromosomes of a somatic cell
Example: Egg
Formation of a new cell by fertilization
Example: sperm and egg combine to make zygote
Recessive allele
A trait that only expresses itself if the is no dominant allele
Example: ee
Dominant allele
Traits that express themselves always
Example: Ee, or EE
Discrete variation
inhabited traits that only have a few variations
Example: rolling tongue, hitchers thumb
Continuous variation
traits with a range of variation
Example: skin colour, height
External fertilization
Organisms fertilized outside the body
Example: frog eggs
Internal fertilization
Union of sperm and egg inside the body (doesn’t have to be fertilized inside the body)
Example: humans, birds
An agent that causes changes in the genetic information of an organism
Example: UV or gamma radiation
Change in the DNA or genes of an organism
Example: Cell overgrowth
The genetic constitution of an individual organism
Example: Heterozygous or Homozygous
Set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment
Example: Eye colour
a molecule that stores genes for heritable traits and directs the structure and functions of the cell
Example: Enzymes in the stomach
tightly packed strands of DNA visible under a light microscope during cell division
Example: Prokaryote Replication
a section of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a specific protein and function
Example: RNA virus genes
Somatic cell
Body cells, not reproductive cells
Example: blood cells
Sex cell
Reproductive cell containing half the # of chromosomes of a somatic cell
Example: sperm
The process by which genetic material is duplicated and divided into 2 identical sets of chromosomes
Example: rebuilding muscle tissue
Genetic material is doubled then divided then divided again so there is half the # of chromosomes in four cells
Example: gametes
Genetic engineering
Artificial implantation of genes into the genes of another organism
Example: Bananas
an organism created by moving DNA from one organism into another.
Example: Dolly the sheep
Artificial selection
plants or animals breed by humans to get a specific trait
Example: Chiwawa
Bioindicator species
Species that help indicate environmental change
Example: Grizzly bear
Species that no longer exist
Example: dinosaurs
Extinction of a species from a certain geographical area
Example: spined dwarf mantis
Things that still exist
Example: humans
Seed banks
collection of genetically diverse seeds
Example: barly, wheat