unit 1 bio - B3 tissue structure and function Flashcards
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four types of tissue
three types of epithelial tissue
squamous epithelial tissue
columnar epithelial tissue
endothelial tissue
properties of squamous epithelial tissue
flat, one cell thick
endothelial cells make a smooth layer - great for rapid diffusion of oxygen to blood and carbon dioxide to lungs
Where are squamous epithelial cells located
line the alveoli in the lungs
how does epithelium cells get damaged from smoking -
in three steps
it irritates and causes scaring and inflammation of the epithelium tissue in the lungs.
The alveoli wall becomes thicker due to scaring and produce more mucus
The damage to the air sacs cause a loss of natural elasticity in the lungs and emphysema.
what symptoms does emphysema cause
persistent coughing
(symptoms associated with COPD)
what does COPD stand for
and what is it
chronic obstructive pulmonary disorderis a common lung.
A disease causing restricted airflow and breathing problems.
cilliated cells
cells with tiny hair like structures.
properties of cilliated columnar epithelial tissue
tall, elongated
made up off column shaped cilliated cells with cillia covering the cell surface
where can the cilliated columnar epithelial tissue be located
the trachea in the respiratory system in order to protect the lungs from infection
How do cilliated columnar epithelial cells affect the lungs from infection (via goblet cells)
By sweeping pathogens from the lungs .
column shaped goblet cells are inside the respiratory tract and they produce mucus to trap any unwanted particles to then get swept from the cilla to prevent bacteria from reaching the alveoli in the lungs
which could cause an infection otherwise.
What do goblet cells do
produce mucus
what is the endothelial tissue (properties)
layer of flattened cells, one layer thick
provide a short diffusion pathway for the movement of substances ( e.g :-
-products of digestion into blood capillaries,
-blood plasma and tissue fluid in and out blood capillaries)
where is the endothelial tissue located
blood vessels
lymphatic vessels
space inside a structure