Unit 1 - Believeing In God Flashcards
Define: atheist
Believing that god doesn’t exist
Define: agnosticism
Not being sure if god exists
Methods of a religious upbringing
Reading or watching Bible stories.
Going to a church or independent Christian school.
Praying as a family before you go to bed or eat
Parents wouldn’t pray if they thought it was
not real.
Celebrating religious festivals as a family.
Explains meaning & importance suggests factual events.
Going to Church or Sunday School
each week.
Worshipping God becomes a naturally acceptable
Family members telling you about their belief in God.
Child accepts parents word as truth.
Could convince them that the events are true
Define: conversion
Changing from one religion to another or from not following a religion to following one.
Define: natural evil
Things which cause suffering but were not caused by humans
Define:free will
The idea that humans are free to make their own choices
Define causation
The argument that everything must have been started off (caused) by something else.’
Define: miracle
Something that breaks the laws of science and makes you think only God could have done it.
Explain the causation of the universe
- Nothing happen by itself therefore everything needs a cause
- Hereford the universe must have a cause
- Only god could have cause the universe to come about
- Therefore here must be a god
Reason for believing in god, based on the Big Bang theory
The creation story in Genesis starts by God saying ‘Let there be light’ and so many Christians see this as God causing the Big Bang
Define: moral evil
Suffering caused by humans, e.g murder
Define: Prayer
An attempt to contact god, usually through words
Define: omnibenevolent
The belief that god is all loving
Define: numinous
The feeling of the presence of something greater than you.
Define: omnipotent
The belief that god is all powerful
Argument for existence of god (who created god)
The Christian answer is that no one made God, he always existed. He is the first one to make things happen but doesn’t need anything to make it happen.
Arguments against gods existence
Charles Darwin - evolution’ and ‘natural selection’ (survival of the fittest) were the reason and not design
Richard Dawkins - There are too many faults in the universe to say they are a result of a perfect God’s design
Reasons for not believing in god, based on the Big Bang theory
scientist believe the universe started as a result of a huge massive explosion they call the Big Bang. This can be seen as offering a scientific explanation for the universe without the need for a God.
Define: omniscient
The belief that god is all knowing
Reason for not believing in god, based on prayers
Some people would say that unanswered prayers are evidence that God doesn’t exist or people would get answers , particularly ones that are for the benefit of others in tragic situation around the world.
Explain William Paley’s design argument
- To design something takes intelligence and thought.
- the world shows evidence of design
- Therefore a being with intelligence and thought must have created it.
- Only god could have the intelligence and thought to design something as complex as the world
- Therefore as the world exist, god exists.
Reasons for not existing in god due to evil in the world
- If God is benevolent,he would want to remove evil and suffering
- If God is omniscient, he would know how to remove evil and suffering.
- If God is omnipotent, he would be able to remove evil and suffering
- Yet evil and suffering still exist which means that god must not
Reason for not believing in god, based on natural selection and evolution
Charles Darwin believed In order to survive, life forms must adapt (evolve) to their changing environment or die. The strongest and fittest will evolve maintaining the existence of that particular species.
Reasons for believing in god, based on unanswered prayers
Christians say that unanswered prayer may be down to our what we are asking for (lottery win).
Plus sometimes God allows the world, nature and people
to run its natural course.
Part2 pieces of media which have led to people not believing in god.
Another piece of media is a film like davinci code or angels and demos which involve religious conspiracies and possibilities that key religious leaders doesn’t exist (Jesus). This can lead to people questioning gods existence.
Reasons for believing in god, based on evolution and natural selection
Christians accept that we have developed in skills, thinking and even posture.
They point out that there are far too many missing links in the chain of evolutionary theories
to be acceptable.
Christian response, for evil and suffering in the world.
- It is gods will, and will not be changed
- It is a test to see how we respond
- The world is no longer as God created or intended it to be, and that mankind has altered its natural form through pollution, war and development
Proof that god has given us free will
- Christians say God gave humanity ‘free will’. This means the ability and right to choose. If God had not given free will, then people would have no choice but to believe in him
- Christians believe that evil is not a result of God,
but of choices humanity makes. For God to intervene and stop evil it would mean taking away our free will
Pieces of media that have led to people not believing in god
Films such as Bruce almighty , which involves someone taking gods job and having all of his powers, this can lead to people believing that god can be replace or doesn’t exist at all.