Unit 1: Basic Real Estate Concepts Flashcards
One who acts as an intermediary on behalf of others for a fee or commission
The upward and downward fluctuations in business activities generally characterized by four stages; expansion, recession, depression, and revival
Business Cycle
moveable objects that are not part of real property
the amount of goods people are willing and able to buy at a given price
any interests in real estate capable of being inherited
uniqueness of land (no to parcels of land are the same)
the possible use of a property that would produce the greatest net income and thereby develop the highest value
Highest and Best Use
the earth’s surface extending downward to the center of the earth and upward to infinity, including things permanently attached by nature, such as trees and water.
place where goods are bought and sold, where the value of those goods are established, and where it is advantageous for buyers and sellers to trade
uniqueness of land (no two parcels of land are the same)
a NC state licensee that has completed the 90-hour postlicensing education
Nonprovisional broker
all property that does not fit the definition of real property
Personal Property
all property that does not fit the definition of real property
a real estate licensee that has not completed their 90 hours of postlicensing
Provisional broker
land at, above, and below the earth’s surface, including all things permanently attached to it, whether natural or artificial.
Real Estate
the land, everything that is permanently attached to the land, and everything that is appurtenant (goes with) to the land
Real Property
term regarding location of land that takes into consideration social factors in additions to economic factors
the amount of goods available in the market to be sold at a given prices
structures attached to the land