Unit 1 - Absolutism and Enlightenment Flashcards
Cardinal Mazarin
Royal Minister that helped Louis XIV rule France when he inherited the throne at 5.
Cardinal Richelieu
Royal Minister that helped Louis XIII when he inherited the throne at 9.
1. Took military and political rights from Huguenots
2.Set up a network of spies
3.Crushed noble conspiracies
4. Executed conspirators
Edict of Nantes
-Issued by Henry IV
-promoted religious tolerance of Huguenots
-revoked by Louis XIV
Henry IV
-laid foundations for royal absolutism
-increases power of government and nobility
-built roads, bridges, improved agriculture
-promoted religous tolerance of Huguenots
French Protestants
Louis XIV
-Inherited throne at 5
-believed in divine right to rule
-refers to himself as the sun king
-hated by nobles (he limited their power)
-lived in Verailles
Adam Smith
- wrote the wealth of nations
- advocated for a limited government
- -believed government should provide only 3 things:
- -protect from an invasion
- -protect citizens with a police force
–provide needed infrastructure
Baron de Montesquieu
- believed government should have separation of powers
- checks and balances to stop one branch from having too much power
Jean Jacques Rousseau
- believed people adopted laws and government in order to preserve private property
- wrote the social contract in which society agreed to be governed by its general will
Laissez- Faire
- an economic (jobs, money) theory meaning “to let (people) do (what they want)”
- the state should not interfere with the way people spend
- most magnificent building in Europe
- symbol of Louis XIV’s wealth and power
- moves seat of power from Paris to Versailles
Denis Diderot
- wrote the encyclopedia that attacked religious superstition while supporting religious toleration
- An 18th century movement of people impressed by the scientific revolution and wanted to apply the scientific method to all life
- Enlightenment thinkers believed if Newton discovered natural laws they could govern human society with them and create an ideal society
-uses scientific reason
-trying to find new way of government (noticing that absolutism isn’t working) - 18th century movement composed by people greatly impressed by the scientific revolution
- reason- the application of the scientific method to help understand all life
- influenced by Issac Newton and John Locke
-a system in which a ruler has total power
-divine right
-rule of one person
-chosen by god to be king
Issac Newton
Scientist that created a series of 3 laws of gravity