Unit 1 Flashcards
Things attached to the property, benefit and RUN WITH the property.
Riparian Rights
Rights to river, lake, or ocean -RI words River, Riparian
The gradual loss of land due to natural causes
The gradual gain of land due to natural causes - Mississippi river sand bars, deposits of sand.
Subsurface Rights
Rights to underground minerals, which may be reserved or transferred
Air Rights
Rights to air space above property, gov controls, owner may not interfere.
Physical Components of Land
Air, Surface, Subsurface - NOT TIMBER
We are helping buy, sell, or transfer what?
The items affixed to the land with the intent of being permanant - house, fence, driveway, landscaping
Personal property, retained by seller, everything that is not real estate.
The Law of Fixtures
Common Law, created throught court cases,
Object that was once personal property but was attached to an improvement so as to become real estate.
Test of Fixture
Attachment, Adaptation, Agreement -
Limited supply of land, gives it it’s value.
Locational Preference, value of land is effected by actions in the surrounding area.
Physical Characteristics of LAND
Immobility - can’t be moved, Indistructible, Uniqueness
Land can’t be moved
Can’t be destroyed, even a sinkhole
No 2 parcels are the same
3 Legal Methods of Land Description
Metes and Bounds, Rectangular Survey, Recorded Plat
Metes and Bounds
Metes is measures, bounds is shape or boundries. You being and end at Point of Beginning (POB). POB is at Natural or man made monument. Measure in a clockwise direction.
Our Prime Meridian (Government Survey Syst)
Tallahassee Prime Meridian, north south
How many Prime Meridians in the US?
Ranges - GSS
Are 6 miles wide and run North South, like a column on a an excel spreadsheet
Tier - GSS
Are 6 miles wide and run East-West, like a row on exel spreadsheet.
Township GSS
6 miles by 6 miles, 6 miles square, contain 36 miles
Township is divided
into 36 1 mile by 1 mile sections
1 mile x 1 mile, contains 640 acres
1 Acre = x feet
In relation to the principal Meridian (Exact Exam question)
Lot and block method
describes land by referring to a lot number on a plat map that has been filed with the county
Plat Map
shows lots, divisions, and street locations when a parcel is subdivided. See the with builders in a community.
The transfer of land suck as roadways and other public spaces, to a government body for public use.
3 types of land transfer
Private - person to person, Public Grant - gov to individual, Dedication - individual to Gov
How to find acres in the whatever quarter etc.. of a section.
Start with 640 and keep dividing by the bottom number of each fraction in order.
Feet in an acre
To convert acre to square feet
Multiply # of acres by 43560
What direction does a line run from a given point North 90 East? (Exact Exam ?)
East to West
Our Base Line (For GSS)
Runs East to West, Talahassee Base Line for Government Survey System
The Government Survey System, GSS, starting point for identifying properties is the
Tallahassee Principal Meridian, and the Talahassee Base Meridian
All of these are used in the GSS
Section, Township, Range, Talahassee Principal Meridian, Talahassee Base Line,
Acres in a section
Square Miles in a Section
4 Government powers
Taxation, Police power, eminent domain, escheat.
Government Police Power
The authority of the gov to enact and enforce land use controls.
Reasons for Police power
- Protect Public health, welfare and safety
- Ensure land uses are compatible with surroundings
- Allow orderly and stable growth
Planning and Zoning
Created by a local planning commission or board that advises elected officials, the County Commissioners.
Planning and Zoning Ordinances
Enacted to ensure that property and owners adhere to land use restrictions.
Purpose of Planning and Zoning
To protect the integrity of the community.
Master Comprehensive Develpment Plan
- Land studies show the present and anticipated future uses of properties
- Economic studies show the present and anticiapatedfurtuer economic base of the area
Zoning Classifications and restrictions
5 Categories of Zones
- Residential
- Commercia
- Industrial and Manufacturing
- Agricultural
- Planned Use Developments and Mixed Use
Buffer Zone
Strip of land that separate 2 drastically different Land Use Zones. Might be a park.
Building Codes
- Protect from inferior construction practices.
- Set minimum standards for materials and quality of workmanship
- State Code is Florida Building Code
Land Use Restrictions (under Police Power)
Building permits and inspections are required to rovide evidence of compliance
restriction in which the area in which you can build. Roughly 10 ft in from side and back, 30 ft in from front. You can build in the middle. (Different numbers for smaller properties.) Net buildable area
Setback test question
Setback on test is only from the front of the property. From the front end of the property. The Net Buildable area.