UNIT 1-9 Flashcards
An increase in the current frequency of a behavior that is reinforced by the stimulus that is increased in reinforcing effectiveness by the same motivating operation
Evocative Effect
An alteration in the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object or event as a result of a motivating operation
Value-Altering Effect
A decrease in the current frequency of a behavior that is reinforced by the stimulus that is decreased in reinforcing effectiveness by the same motivating operation
Abative Effect
An alteration in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by the stimulus that is altered in effectiveness by the same motivating operation
Behavior Altering Effect
A motivating operation that establishes the effectiveness of a stimulus, object or event as a reinforcer
Establishing Operation
A motivating operation that decreases the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus object or event
Abolishing Operation
A group of stimuli in which the frequency, duration, latency or amplitude of a behavior is altered by the presence or absence of an antecedent stimulus
Stimulus Control
Motivating operations whose value altering effect does not come from a history of learning
Unconditioned Motivating Operations (UMO)
Motivating operations whose value altering effect depend on a learning history
Conditioned Motivating Operations (CMO)
An antecedent stimulus that evokes or abates a specific behavior, due to a past history of differential availability of reinforcement or punishment for that behavior that is dependent on their presence versus their absence
Discriminative Stimulus
An environmental variable that alters the reinforcing or punishing effectiveness of a stimulus, object or event; and that alters the current frequency of behavior that is reinforced or punished by that stimulus, object or event
Motivating Operations
The basic process by which operant learning occurs
Operant Conditioning
Behavior is likely to occur under the current conditions
Behavior is Not likely to occur under the current conditions
Reinforcing only responses within a specific response class that meet specific criterion along a dimension and placing all other responses in that class on extinction
Differential Reinforcement
When differential reinforcement consists of reinforcing some responses and not reinforcing other responses
When differential reinforcement consists of reinforcing a response when certain stimuli are present and not reinforcing the same response when those stimuli are not present
The tendency of behavior to occur more frequently in the presence of a particular stimulus because behavior has been reinforced only or mostly in the presence of that stimulus
Discriminative Control
An operant class that is established through the process of differential reinforcement with respect to the presence or absence of antecedent stimuli
Discriminated Operant
Discriminative Stimulus for reinforcement. Evokes behavior because in the past that behavior has been reinforced in its presence
SD for SR
Discriminative stimulus for extinction. Abates behavior because in the past that behavior has not been reinforced in its presence
S delta for SR
Discriminative stimulus for punishment. Abates behavior because in the past that behavior has been punished in its presence
SDP for SP
Discriminative stimulus for withholding punishment. Evokes behavior because in the past that behavior has not been punished in its presence
S delta P for withholding punishment (xSp)
Discriminative stimulus for positive reinforcement
Discriminative stimulus for negative reinforcement
Discriminative stimulus for extinction of behavior maintained by positive reinforcement
S delta R+
Discriminative stimulus for extinction of behavior maintained by negative reinforcement
S delta R-
Discriminative stimulus for positive punishment
Discriminative stimulus for negative punishment
Discriminative stimulus for unavailability of positive punishment
S delta P+
Discriminative stimulus for unavailability of negative punishment
S delta P-
A discrimination in which reinforcing a response is contingent on another stimulus
Conditional Discrimination
The tendency of a learned response to occur in the presence of a stimulus that was not present during training, but either shares some similar physical properties to the SD or has been associated with the SD
Stimulus Generalization
Organisms learn through the consequence of their actions
The Law of Effect
Edward Lee Thorndike
The Law of Effect
B.F. Skinner’s Contributions (7)
The experimental analysis of behavior The operant chamber Radical behaviorism Programmed instruction Principles of operant conditioning The cumulative recorder Analysis of verbal behavior
Behavior that has an effect on the environment and is primarily under the control of its consequences
Operant Behavior
This process of behavioral variability; selection by consequences, and behavioral reproduction occurs throughout the organism’s lifetime
Operant Selection
Simplest Type of Operant Contingency
R-S (response-Stimulus)
An environmental change that follows a response and increases or maintains the future frequency of that behavior
A stimulus change that follow a response and decreases the future frequency of that behavior under similar conditions
An environmental change in which a stimulus is added (presented) or magnified following a response that increases or maintains the future frequency of that response
Positive Reinforcement
An environmental change in which a stimulus is removed (taken away) or attenuated following a response and increases the future frequency of that response
Negative Reinforcement
Unconditioned Positive Reinforcement
Conditioned Positive Reinforcement
Unconditioned Negative Reinforcement
Conditioned Negative Reinforcement
Unconditioned Positive Punishment
Conditioned Positive Punishment
Unconditioned Negative Punishement
Conditioned Negative Punishment
The discontinuing of a reinforcement of a previously reinforced behavior
Behavior is modified by its consequences irrespective of the person’s awareness
If the opportunity to engage in a “preferred” or “high probability” behavior is made contingent on engaging in a “less preferred” behavior, the future duration or frequency of the “less preferred” behavior will increase
Premack Principle
A stimulus, that when presented following a response, increases or maintains the future frequency of that response
A stimulus that, usually, is reinforcing without any prior learning; that is, its effect is due to phylogenic provenance
Unconditioned Reinforcer
A stimulus that initially has no innate reinforcing properties, but acquires reinforcing properties through pairing with unconditioned reinforcers or powerful conditioned reinforcers
Conditioned Reinforcer
A conditioned reinforcer that has been paired with a variety of reinforcers and which is effective for a wide range of behaviors
Generalized Conditioned Reinforcer
Behavior that terminates an aversive stimulus
Terminates a “warning” stimulus; prevents or delays the onset of the aversive stimulus
A conditioned aversive stimulus whose presence is correlated with the upcoming onset of an unconditioned aversive stimulus
Warning Stimulus
No clear warning stimulus, but a response can still delay or prevent the occurrence of the aversive event
Un-Signaled Avoidance
The response itself directly produces the reinforcing consequence. That is, the consequence is Not mediated by another person
Automatic Reinforcement
The consequence is mediated by another person
Socially Mediated Reinforcement
A person explicitly arranged the contingency
Planned Reinforcement
The contingency was not explicitly arranged
Unplanned Reinforcement
The process by which a previously reinforced behavior is weakened by withholding reinforcement
Operant Extinction
The sudden and temporary reappearance of a behavior following extinction
Operant Spontaneous Recovery
The reappearance of a previously extinguished behavior during the extinction of a more recently reinforced behavior
A stimulus, that is usually punishing without any prior learning; that is, its effect is due to phylogenic provenance
Unconditioned Punisher
A stimulus that initially has no innate punishing properties, but acquire punishing properties through pairing with unconditioned punishers or powerful conditioned punishers
Conditioned Punisher
An environmental change in which a stimulus is added (presented) or magnified following a response, that decreases the future frequency of that response
Positive Punishment
An environmental change in which a stimulus is subtracted (withdrawn or removed) or attenuated following a response, which decreases the future frequency of that behavior
Negative Punishment
A procedure based on the principle of negative punishment; the organism cannot access (generally specified) reinforcer
Time-out from Positive Reinforcement
The process by which a previously punished behavior is strengthened by withholding punishment
Recovery from Punishment
A simple relation between an antecedent stimulus and a reflex response
To strongly, consistently and reliably evoke
A simple relation between a specific stimulus and a specific innate, involuntary response
Unconditioned Reflex
Examples of Human Reflexes
Patellar reflex, Eye Blink reflex, Lachrymal reflex, Pupillary reflex, Respiratory reflex, Sneeze reflex, Cough reflex, Rooting reflex, Sucking reflex, Salivation reflex, Swallowing reflex, Peristalsis reflex, Reverse Peristalsis reflex, Reflex related to low/high temperatures, Reflex to loud sounds, Withdrawal reflex, Activation reflex
A stimulus which results in an unconditioned response without prior learning
Unconditioned Stimulus
A response which is elicited by an unconditioned stimulus without prior learning
Unconditioned Response
A temporary reduction in a reflex response due to repeated presentations of the eliciting stimulus
A reduction in the frequency or magnitude of a response or a set of responses as a result of prolonged exposure to a stimulus or an environmental context
A temporary increase in some dimension or intensity of a reflex response due to repeated presentations of an eliciting stimulus
The tendency of a stimulus to elicit a reflex response following the elicitation of that response by a different stimulus
A stimulus-stimulus pairing procedure in which a neutral stimulus is presented with an unconditioned stimulus until the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that elicits the conditioned response
Respondent Conditioning
A simple relation between a specific conditioned stimulus and a conditioned involuntary response
Conditioned Reflex
A stimulus which has no eliciting effect on behavior prior to being paired contingently with an unconditioned stimulus or another conditioned stimulus
Neutral Stimulus
A stimulus which elicits a conditioned response due to prior learning; that is, due to ontogenic provenance
Conditioned Stimulus
A response which is elicited by a conditioned stimulus due to prior learning
Conditioned Response
The ONSET of the CS must come first, before the ONSET of the US. Very effective.
Short Delay Conditioning
The ONSET of the CS must come first, before the ONSET of the US. Usually effective
Long Delay Conditioning
The OFFSET of the CS must come before the ONSET of the US. Sometimes effective
Trace Conditioning Procedure
CS and US occur at the same time. Usually not effective
Simultaneous Conditioning Procedure
The ONSET of the US must come before the ONSET of the CS. Almost always ineffective
Backward Chaining Procedure