unit 1-8 Flashcards
Definitions of INTL LAW
According to Oppenheim
“Law of Nations or international law is the name for the body of customary and conventional
rules which are considered legally binding by civilized States in their intercourse with each other.”
Modern definitions:
Schwarzenberger: International law is the body of legal rules which apply between sovereign States
and such other entities as have been granted international personality.
According to him, international law, if and when grants international personality to any entity, or
when international law would be capable of regulating rights and duties of any entity, its rules shall apply to them.
is it a real law or not
Not a real law- john austin and hobbes= code of moral force and rules of conduct only, no sanction or real authority. some believe that “Command, Sanction and Sovereign” are required to make it a true law, and since intl law has none of the three- its not true law.
not invested with true legal force, and no command of superior
;s of the view that international law is a weak law for which he has given various reasons like
* the rules made by treaties and customs are not as effective as municipal legislations
* no adjudicating authority in the true sense
* weak enforcement measures
* frequent violations of the rules
* sovereign states being the units hampers its effectiveness.
positive or consensual theory
They believed that the binding force of international law comes from the consent of the states.
* Customs (implied) and treaties (express) constitute the primary sources of international law.
*They denied and criticized the law of nature as a source of law
oConsent of new states cannot be found in already existing customs and treaties
oConsent of 3rd parties where some treaties create an obligation on them
oDonotrecognize the significance of natural law theor
Law of Nature Theory
According to this theory, international law is a part of law of nature (reason based law, higher law,
moral law, etc.).
* Grotius believed there is morality and divine justice in the nature of things, and both men and
nations are ought to be governed by this universal principle.
*Naturalists denied custom and treaties to be a source of international law.
* Influence of this theory can be seen in the recognition of human rights at an international level.
* Supporters- Pufendorf, Thomasius
* Criticism
oIts basis is idealistic moral principles and not the actual ground reality
oDonotrecognize the significance of customs and treaties
Groatian or Eclectics Theory
They have adopted a middle position between positivists and naturalists.
* They treat natural law as well as positive law of treaties and customs on equal footing.
* Two kinds of law- voluntary (based on customs and treaties) and necessary (natural law)
theory regarding subjects of intl law
becoming a subject of intl law=
a. An incumbent of rights and duties under international law
b. The holder of procedural privileges of prosecuting a claim before an international tribunal.
c. The possessor of interests for which provision is made by international law.
oRealist theory- States alone are subjects of international law
a state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications:
1. a permanent population;
2. a defined territory
3. a government; and
4. capacity to enter into relations with other states
CRITICISM: the limitations of the realistic theory is the trials of Nazi war criminals after the Second World War. The Charter of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg explicitly made individuals subject to international rules relating to crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. At Nuremberg and in other war trials, thousands of war criminals were tried and convicted; hundreds were executed. Nuremberg re-established plainly and forcefully that the rules of international law should and do apply to individuals.
oFictional theory- Individuals alone are subjects of international law
CRITICIMS: The fictional theory’s attempt to portray individuals as the subjects of international law proves futile because in reality even individuals derive their rights from a state, and the role of a state in international law is of paramount importance .
oFunctional theory- States, individuals, and certain non-state entities are subjects.
relationship between intl law and municipal law
- Dualism
Under the dualistic approach, municipal law and international law are considered separate and
distinct legal systems. They operate independently - Incorporation- Many states incorporate international law into their domestic legal systems through various means such as legislation, treaties, or constitutional provisions
- Conflict and Hierarchy:
Conflicts may arise between municipal and international law when there is a contradiction or
inconsistency between their provisions - Harmonization:
States often seek to harmonize their domestic laws with international obligations to ensure
compliance and consistency. - ) Influence and Interpretation:
International law can influence the interpretation and development of municipal law.
Courts and legal practitioners may refer to international legal principles, treaties, and customary practices when interpreting domestic laws or resolving legal disputes - Enforcement and Compliance:
States are responsible for enforcing both municipal and international law within their territories.
While international law primarily relies on state compliance and cooperation, violations of
international law can sometimes result in international legal consequences, such as diplomatic protests, economic sanctions, or even military intervention
Monistic theory
Under this theory, there is only one system of law- law in general.
International law and municipal law parts of the same system- law in general, there being no
real difference between the two systems of law.
All laws are single unity- whether binding on individuals, states or other entities.
The followers of this theory are of the view that international law and municipal law are both
part of a universal body of legal rules binding all human beings, collectively or singly
- Dualistic Theory
According to this theory international law and municipal law are two separate legal systems with
different inherent characteristics.
According to Triepel, subjects of municipal law are individuals and subjects of international law
are States solely. Additionally, according to him the juridical origin of the two systems are
different. (municipal law- will of the state itself, international law- common will of the states
called Gemeinwille
- Specific Adoption Theory and transformation theory
Specific adoption theory: International Law applies to a State when it is specifically adopted in its municipal law.
This is done to apply customary international law into the sphere of municipal law
Transformation theory:
ules of International Law must undergo transformation to be applicable in municipal law.
The treaties signed by the states at an international level must be transformed into the provisions of the municipal law.
The municipal law maybe amended or enabling legislations shall be passed to give affect to such treaties
Features of Customary Law
State practice to give rise to** binding rules **of customary International Law, that practice must be **uniform, consistent and general **and must be coupled with a belief that the practice is
obligatory rather than habitual.
In the North Sea Continental Shelf cases
the ICJ stated that there is no precise length of time during which the practice must exist. It is simply that it must be followed long enough to show that other requirements of custom are satisfactory
In the Lotus case, opinio Juris was seen as an essential
element of customary international law and this was
affirmed in North Sea Continental Shelf Cases as well.
Pacta sunt servanda
Pacta sunt servanda is a Latin phrase that means “agreements must be kept” and is a fundamental principle of international law. It states that parties to a contract or treaty must abide by the terms of the agreement they made. This principle is considered the foundation of international law and is directly referenced in many international agreements. Without it, no international agreement would be binding or enforceable.
Sources of international law
According to Lawrence and
Oppenheim there is only one source of International law and that is the consent of nation. Brierly considers customs and reasons as the main sources of international law.
Article 38(1) of the statute of the International Court of Justice is widely recognized as the most authoritative statement as to the sources of International law. On the basis of Article 38
of ICJ Statute five distinct sources can be identified. They are International
1. conventions/treaties,
2. International customs,
3. General principles of law,
4. Judicial decisions
5. and Reason and equity.
types of treaties:
1. Law Making Treaties
* ii) Treaty giving general principles.
- These treaties are signed by a majority of the State. For Example United Nation Charter.
* (i) Treaty giving the rule of Universal International Law
- These treaties are entered into and signed by a large number of countries giving
thereby general principles of International Like. Geneva Convention on Law of sea
- Treaty Contracts - These are the treaties which are entered into by two or more States. The provisions of such treaties are binding only on the parties to the treaty
Strictly speaking a treaty is not a source of law so much as a source of obligation under law.Treaties are binding only on States which become parties to them and the choice of whether or not to become party to a treaty is entirely one for the State – there is no requirement to sign up to a treaty. Why is a treaty binding on those States which have become parties to it ? pacta sunt servanda
But many treaties are also important as authoritative statements of customary law. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969. Less than half the States in the world are parties to it but every court which has considered the matter has treated its main provisions as
codifying customary law and has therefore treated them as applying to all States whether they are parties to the Convention or not.
treaties can prove as evidence for customary law?
is judicial decision a main force in international law?
According to Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, Judicial
Decisions are subsidiary sources of International Law
**Article 59 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice expressly provides that the
decisions of the court have no binding force except between the parties and in respect of that particular case. This means that the judicial decisions are binding only on the disputed States.
Under the provisions of this Article, the Court is specifically required not to apply precedent or doctrine of stare decisis in its decisionsDecisions of International Court of Justice are to have only persuasive value.**
Subjects of intl law
States:- The moment an entity becomes a state, it becomes an international legal person and acquires an international legal personality
Non-State Actors:- There are certain Non-State actors with international legal personalities that include, individuals, armed group involved in conflicts and international organizations like the EU, UN and African union who are deemed to be subjects of international law.- Member of the Composed States or federal states, Insurgents and Belligerents, National Liberation movements, International territories.
Special Case entities are the subjects of International law and Special case entities are granted special unique status under International law and they are the Sovereign Order of Malta, and the Holy See and the Vatican City.
International organizations:- an international organization is also an important subject of international law, it is defined as an organization established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own legal personality. The United Nations and World Trade Organizations are examples of international organizations.
It can be said that states have original personality and non-state actors have derived personality. This is attributed to the fact that states are considered to be international personalities the moment they are identified as a sovereign state **on the other hand, non-state actors like international organizations derived their personality through other means. **
For example, the rights and duties maybe described in their constitutions, charters, and treaties that establish such organizations.