Unit 1 Flashcards
What is a primary source?
A primary source is an artifact from the time of the event, first hand account. Examples are: a letter, autobiography,journal and newspaper
What is the middle kingdom?
China’s belief that they were not gods, but above all other cultures and at the center of the earth, China called themselves this…
What is the Paleolithic Era?
This is the time before farming, cave paintings, and a nomadic life style.
What is Judaism?
Monotheistic religion;sacred text is the Torah follow the Ten Commandments.
What is Christianity?
Monotheistic religion, sacred text is the bible; believes Jesus is the Messiah.
What is Hinduism?
A belief system based on the mixing of Indus River Civilizations and Aryans, believe in a Caste System, reincarnation, Moksha, darma and karma.
What is a Direct Democracy?
This is a form of government from Greece where each male citizen casts a vote on each and every law.
Who are the Athens?
Education was this city state’s goal, constructed libraries, study philosophy, science, art, geometry and were founders of Democracy.
What is a City State?
Because of its mountainous terrain, Greece was divided into these widley scattered settlements like Athens and Sparta.
What is Sparta?
A Greek City state well known for its’ superior military.
What are columns?
(Also known as Pillars) Architectural feature invented by ancient Greeks. Can be seen in many of their buildings.
What is Geography?
The studyof earth and its’ features. HINT: LPRHM
What is a Cartographer?
A person who creates maps.
What is monotheism?
The belief in one god seen in religion such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
What are mosques?
Muslim houses of worship.
What is Migration?
The movement of people from an exisiting place to a new place.
What are the Ten Commandments?
Code of conduct for Judaism and Christianity.
What are the 5 pillars?
Code of conduct for Islam.
What is Animism?
A belief that every living and nonliving thing in nature has a spirit. Seen primarily in Africa.
What is Polytheism?
The belief in more than one god.
What are the Islam’s?
Monotheistic religion; sacred text is the Koran; Allah is god; spread by prophet Muhammad.
What is Shintoism?
Japanese religion based on a repect for and worship of spirits in nature.
What is Taoism/Daoism?
A belief system based on harmony with nature, yin and yang, government policy of wuwei or action through non-action, founded by Laozi.
What is Reincarnation?
The cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
What is the Qin Dynasty?
Dynasty that began constructing the Great Wall, stanardized weights and currency, strict rule, and book burning.
What is The Mandate of Heaven?
The claim or right to rule over China as a blessing from god; the Zhou was the first to claim this. Example: Rule remained in times of peace but, war or natural disasters indicate god is unhappy with the dynasty.
What is a Dynasty?
Chinese family rulers. Rule is passes on from one family member to the next.
What is a Caste System?
A strict social class system that existed in India through the 1950’s that determinded one’s job, and material status.
What is Laozi?
Man said to be born as an old man that stressed harmony in nature, yin and yang, wuwei…
Who is Confucious?
Chinese philosopher who stressed the importance of social order, filial piety, five relationships, and respect.
Who is Muhammad?
Angel Gabriel told his prophet to spread the word of Islam; founder of Islam.
What is a secondary source?
Evidence provided(written or spoken) after an event occured. Example: Encyclopedia, textbook, biography, journal articles.