Unit 1 Flashcards
What is an ionic bond
- A chemical bond formed by electrostatic attraction between positive and negative ions
- Transferring of electrons
- 7 Types
What is a covalent bond
Sharing of electrons
Define electronegativity
A measure of the ability of an atom in a molecule to draw bonding electrons to itself
Draw the electronegativity line
Nonpolar Partial charge Full charge
No meaningful Polar
What does isoelectric mean
The same
What are the two exceptions to the octet rule
- Hydrogen- no p orbital-> 2 electrons filled-> duet rule
- Boron-> 6 electrons filled
What is a polar covalent bond
One in which the bonding electrons spends more time near one Atom
What is the formal charge formula
FCcentral.atom=#of valence electrons-(#of bonding electrons/2)- #of lone pair electrons
What is resonance
Delocalized bonding
What is the bond angle for linear geometry
What is the bond angle for Trigonal planar geometry
What is the bond angle for tetrahedral geometry
What is the bond angle for trigonal bypyramidal geometry
90 and 120
What is the bond angle for octahedral geometry
The energy required to break a chemical bond is called what
Bond energy