Unit 1 Flashcards
An excel file is a
A worksheet has _________ rows arranged horizontally
A worksheet has ________ columns arranged vertically
The number of rows and columns are fixed.
You can’t add or reduce number of columns, but you can hide them.
Columns are represented by letters. The first column is A. A…Z, AA…AZ, …… AAB….., AAB….., The last column is
XFD (also column 16,384)
The intersection of a row and column is a
In the R1C1 referencing system,
a cell is addressed with the row number first, followed by the column number.
R1C1 Reference Style uses
numbers for both rows and columns.
A1 referencing is the default which uses
letters for columns and numbers for rows
How many worksheets can a workbook have?
As many worksheets as can be held by computers memory.
How many cells are there?
Over 17 billion cells
The ribbon system refers to
the collections (or strips) of command buttons.
Within any ribbon, commands are organized in
The default ribbons are
Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, View
We can adjust the display of the ribbon to show:
- No ribbon,
- Ribbon tabs only,
- Ribbon tabs + commands
We cannot remove _____ from the default Excel groups in a ribbon.
We can remove an entire default group.
Can also remove individual buttons from a custom group in a ribbon.
Excel does not allow us to modify built-in groups in the ribbon.
We can’t remove or add buttons to an existing group.
To add a button, we have to create a ______ ______.
custom group.
The custom group can be created within an existing ribbon or
added to a new ribbon that we create.
We can also add a ____ or _____ to the existing ribbon system.
tab or group
Each tab can have one or more ______ of commands
Couple of options to remove buttons-
1) reset all customization
2) reset only selected ribbon tabs
Reset all customization
this will help remove all customizations made to the tabs, groups, and the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
Reset only selected ribbon tabs
this will remove the customizations on a particular ribbon tab
We cannot remove ______ buttons from the default excel groups in a ribbon
We can remove the _______ default excel group as well as individual buttons from a custom group in a ribbon
The Quick access toolbar (QAT) can be positioned
above or below the toolbar
The quick access toolbar (QAT) comes with
a few commonly used commands.
The user can add a command from __________ to the QAT, or remove existing commands from the QAT
any ribbon
the QAT can simultaneously have _______ commands from different ribbons
In effect, the QAT providers the user with a ribbon of commands that are
relevant to the user
Adding to, or removing a command from the QAT _________ have any effect on the availability of the command in its original location.
does NOT
Excel file names are made up of two parts,
the file name and file extension
the file extensions tells us
what type of file it is
The file extension _____ indicates it is an excel file/workbook.
The file extension ____ indicates it is a macro-enabled workbook
The file extension ____- indicates it is a macro-enabled add in
Macros are computer programs within a computer program. These are created by third party developers to facilitate various actions in excel.
As macros can be written for malicious purposes, there are usually security concerns around macros. For this reason, the separate file type is required to indicate that the excel file contains macros.
An excel add-in is a program designed to provide additional functionality within excel.
May be created by microsoft as part of excel package, or by a third party delevoper, or by user himself.
Add-ins are extensions of ________. An add-in may itself have several macros embedded in it.
The information we enter in a cell can be one of several data types:
number, text, date, time, and forumla are the most common
a number permits
mathematical operations.
A number can be presented in different ways:
in decimals, fractions, in scientific notation, etc.
A number can also be represented with a _______ symbol
By default, excel aligns numbers to
the right.
however, the user can align the number differently.
Text refers to information that does not permit mathematical operations.
this includes letters, punctuation marks, symbols, and also includes numbers.
text can be formatted to be in a particular
font, font size, color, underlined, bold, italics, etc.
different parts of text can be presented in different formats even
within the same cell.
by default, excel aligns text to the left.
user can align text differently.
a date can be represented in different formats.
dates are considered numbers in excel
time can be represented in
hours, minutes, and seconds; in hours and minutes only; in 12-hour or 24-hour formats.
Like dates, times are considered _____ in excel
a formula can be a combination of
- numbers with operators
- letters with operators
- letters, numbers, and operations
in addition to those data types, there are also
hyperlinks and images but aren’t commonly used
In general, navigating with the mouse is ______ than navigating with keyboard keys.
It is _________ to create your own keyboard short-cuts
One advantage of using keyboard short-cuts is that some of these short-cuts
are available in other applications.
Methods of populating a worksheet with data
- entering data directly into a worksheet
- copying and pasting data
- importing data from another file
- filing data in a pattern
- linking a worksheet to an internet source
embedding a value in a formula is known as ________ and contribute to errors
precedence of operations makes it clear which sequence is required - PEMDAS:
P-parenthesis E-exponents M-multiplication D-division A-addition S-subtraction
If you have multiple spaces separating two values you need to check
treat consecutive delimiters as one
A file with values that are separated by commas is often referred to as a _____ file
which stands for comma separated values
(also character separated values)
an advantage to storing data as a .csv or .txt file is that it makes the size of the file much smaller.
another advantage of storing data as a .csv or .txt file is that the data can be read by programs that are meant to read text (e.g. notepad or word)
when importing data from text files, we need to know what character is used to separate different values.
a commonly used separator is a comma.
importing a file is usually a one time event.
if the source data changes we will want to import the updated data. in such cases rather than importing data, we may want to link excel to the source data once the data is linked, we can refresh the linked data so that it is updated to reflect changes in the source data
excel allows you to create what type of series?
growth series
linear series
data series
a number that may be used a formula should be
placed in an individual cell
what shows when you use the “split” command?
all rows above the active cell and all columns to the left of the active cell
which command is used to put delimited values in separate columns
text to columns
if I want to create a split view of my worksheet, and i only want a vertical split
the active cell must be anywhere in row 1 after column A
Excel defaults to a relative referencing system. That is,
when we copy a formula from one cell to the other, excel changes the cells to which the formula refers, relative to the cell containing the formula.