Unit 1 Flashcards
The Bible teaches that man is a three part being consisting of?
- Spirit
- Soul
- Body
Our soul is made up of?
- Mind
- Will
- Emotions
Secular Psychology views man as having how many parts?
Two (soul and body)
Codependency is a disease of?
The soul
In its broadest sense, codependency can be defined as an addiction to?
- Behaviors
- Things
- People
The term codependency first appeared in the late 1970’s, but was really just a “new name for an old game”. This codependency had also been called?
- Co-alcoholic
- Non-alcoholic
- Para-alchoholic
A common denominator among codepedents is to develop relationships, either personally or professionally with?
- Troubled
- Needy
- Dependent people
Unlike many other life threatening disorders which have long, arduous recovery processes, codependency lends itself easily to?
The chief component of the family system is?
The marital partnership
In healthy families children are?
Not constantly judged and measured by their parents’ frustrations and anxiety ridden projections
Adult Children of Alcoholics abandonment issues include?
- Actual physical abandonment
- Neglect of the child’s basic emotional needs
- Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse
The practicing codependent has been taught that “doing for others” is a means to achieve?
Love, belonging, salvation
Codependency can emerge from any family system where?
Certain overt and covert rules exist
Perfectionists often appear to be highly motivated, but their motivations usually come from a desperate attempt to avoid?
The low self-esteem they experience when they fall
The fifth rule of the dysfunctional family is?
Don’t be selfish
Children need parents who realize that the key to a well-adjusted child is?
The parents’ healthy marriage relationship
Learning to ask directly for what we need stops us from?
Manipulating others
The codependent adult-child believes that the world is?
A very serious place
Alcoholism is a disease that can be arrested, but not cured. Alcoholism takes the form of?
A compulsion, an obsession, an addiction
The nature of the disease of alcoholism is that patients do not believe they are ill. This is called?