Unit 1 Flashcards
Political officials choose qualified employees to fill gov’t positions
Traditional Model
Rational voter model in which. Others vote for politicians who make them happier
States rights
2nd and 10th Amendments = rights and powers held by US states
Teapot Metaphor
Senate is where political idea go to cool off
Power elite model
Powerful elite control politics
Rule of the many in which majority rules
Resolution of a conflict through the use of power
Procedural rights
Rights that limit gov’t’s power in the enforcement of law
Anti-elite mvmt
Public policy
Actions of the gov’t that affect the public
Soft money
Contribution to a political party that’s not accounted as going to a particular candidate (avoidance / legal limitations)
Pluralist model
Numerous groups in competition and no group or coalition always wins
Weberian model
Buearucrafic supremacy in which powerful bureaucracies control American politics
Natural rights
Life, liberty, property according to Locke
Single member distributive plurality system
“Natural” form of gov’t in which the many rule, universal rights
Bill of Rights
Created bc of ratification and convention in debates, includes political rights, procedural rughts, and states rights
Political rights
Rights that limit govt’s power to limit political participation by the people
Individual rights and feeedoms
Strong central gov’t and semi-autonomous state govt’s
Political action committee
Political professionals
527 Organization
A group created to influence the selection, normalization election, appointment or defeat of candidates to office
Hamiltonians pro-constitution, industrial federal gov’t
Jeffersonians, agrarian, state gov’t
Incentive compat
Incentives motivating the actions of individual participants are consistent with following the rules established by the group
Marxist Model
Corporate dominance = powerful corporations control American politics
Band wagon
Entire media covers the same thing because it’s popular
Aristotelian bias
The rich are smarter than the poor
federalists who support industrialization and bank of US
Anitfederalists who are agrarian and states rights
Divides political parties in America between liberalism for happiness and property
A gov’t operating under rule if dead leader = rule of the dead
Alien and Sedition
1978 laws to deport foreigners and prevent immigrants from voting