Unit 1 Flashcards
What is the origin of the scapular deltoideus?
Scapular spine
Where does the scapular deltoideus insert?
Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
What does the scapular deltoideus do?
Flex shoulder joint
What is the origin of the acromial deltoideus?
Acromion of scapula
Where does the acromial deltoideus insert?
Deltoid tuerosity of humerus
What does the acromial deltoideus do?
Flex shoulder joint
What is the origin of the omotransversarius?
Wing of atlas
Where does the omotransversarius insert?
distal scapular spine
What does the omotransversarius do?
Move limb cranially
What is the origin of the infraspinatus?
Infraspinous fossa
Where does the infraspinatus insert?
Lateral side of greater tubercle of humerus
What is the purpose of the infraspinatus?
Shoulder flexion, lateral rotation of brachium, shoulder stabilization
What is the origin of the supraspinatus?
Supraspinatus fossa
Where does the supraspinatus insert?
Greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus
What is the purpose of the supraspinatus?
Extend and stabilize shoulder joint
What is the origin of the brachiocephalicus?
Mastoid process of skull and dorsal midline of neck
What are the three parts of the brachiocephalicus?
Cleidobrachialis, Cleidomastoideus, Cleidocervicalis
Where does the brachiocephalicus insert?
Distal end of cranial border of humerus
What is the purpose of the brachiocephalicus?
Advance limb, extend shoulder and draw neck and head sideways
What is the origin of the cleidobrachialis?
Connects to clavicular insertion
Where does the cleidobrachialis insert?
Distal end of cranial border of humerus
What is the purpose of the cleidobrachialis?
Advance limb, extend shoulder and draw neck and head sideways
What is the origin of the cleidomastoideus?
Mastoid part of the temporal bone
Where does the cleidomastoideus insert?
Connects to clavicular insertion
What is the purpose of the cleidomastoideus?
Advance limb, extend shoulder and draw neck and head sideways
What is the origin of the cleidocervicalis?
Dorsal midline of the neck
Where does the cleidocervicalis insert?
Connects to clavicular insertion
What is the purpose of the cleidocervicalis?
Advance limb, extend shoulder and draw neck and head sideways
What is the origin of the trapezius cervicis and thoracis?
Median raphe of neck and supraspinous ligament from C3-T9
Where does both parts of the trapezius insert?
Spine of scapula
What is the purpose of the trapezius?
Elevate and ABduct forelimb
Name the parts of the triceps brachii.
Long head, lateral head, medial head, intermediate
What is the difference between the cat and the dog as far as the triceps brachii?
Cat only has long head, lateral head and medial head
What is the origin of the long head of the triceps brachi?
Caudal border of scapula
What is the insertion of all parts of the triceps brachi?
What is the purpose of the long head of the triceps?
Shoulder flexor and extend elbow
Where does the lateral head of the triceps originate from?
Ticipital line of humerus
What is the purpose of the lateral head of triceps?
Elbow extensor
What is the origin of the medial head of the triceps?
Crest of lesser tubercle of humerus
What is the purpose of the medial head of the triceps?
Elbow extensor
Where does the intermediate head of the triceps originate?
Neck of humerus
Where does the superficial pectorals originate?
The first 2 sternebrae and some of the third; fibrous raphe between adjacent muscles
Where does the superficial pectorals insert?
Whole crest of greater tubercle of humerus
What is the purpose of the superficial pectorals?
Adduct the limb when it isn’t weight bearing, prevent limb from being abducted when weight bearing