Unit 1 Flashcards
Vinc, Vict
Latin: Vincere, Victum, “to conquer”.
1. Invincible, 2. Provincial, 3. Evince
- Invincible
Adjetive, Unable to be conquered.
Root: Vinc
Synonym: Invulnerable
Antonym: Vulnerable
- Provincial
Adjetive, Limited in knowing of the world; narrow minded.
Root: Vinc
Antonym: Sophisticated
- Evince
Verb, To establish; to reflect the truth of.
Root: Vinc
Duc, Duct
Latin: Ducere, Ductum, “to lead”.
1. Conductive, 2. Inducive, 3. Deduce
- Conductive
Adjetive, Supportive; encouraging; helping to bring about.
Root: Duc
Synonym: Helpful, favorable
- Induce
Verb, To lead towards some action.
Root: Duc
Synonym: Persuade
Antonym: Discourage
- Deduce
Verb, To draw a conclusion from fact; to infer.
Root: Duc
Synonym: Conclude
Latin: Trahere, Tractum, “to drag”.
1. Protracted, 2. Intractable, 3. Retract
- Protracted
Adjetive, Extended in time; prolonged.
Root: Tract
Synonym: Lingering
Antonym: Brief
- Intractable
Adjetive, Stubborn; obstinate; hard to move foward.
Root: Tract
Synonym: Immovable
Antonym: Malleable
- Retract
Verb, To draw back; withdraw.
Roots: Tract
Synonym: Repeal
Latin: Petere, Petitum, “to seek aggressively, to assail, to rush”.
1. Petulant, 2. Impetuous, 3. Impetus
- Petulant
Adjetive, Irritable or short-tempered.
Root: Petere
- Impetuous
Adjetive, Acting passionately and without forethought.
Root: Petere
Synonym: Rash
Antonym: Careful
- Impetus
Noun, That which drives one; momentum.
Root: Petere
Synonym: Stimulus