Unit 1 Flashcards
Rudolf Hess
Secretary that recorded Mein Kampf
Herman Goering
WWI flying ace, head of German Air Force and S. A.
Alfred Rosenberg
Nazi party ideologist
Joseph Goebbles
Propaganda and newspaper
Ernest Rohm
leader of Nazi Party
Cult of 16
16 men who were killed during the Munich Beer Hall Putsch and became known as martyrs
Stab in the back
myth that Germans were betrayed by Weimar Repubic
Iron Cross
awarded to Hitler for is courage in WWI
dictated peace
Ruhr Crisis
Germany is invaded by France which causes hyperinflation and political unrest
German parliament
Weimer Republic
Germany’s government which is a democracy
Der Angriff
the attack, was the Nazi paper
Mein Kampf
my struggle, Hitler’s book
Nuremberg Rallies
week long prep rallies with pageants,music and parades
money Germany agreed to pay for the damages that occurred after WWI
Article 48
gave president power to ignore the Reichstag and use emergency powers to chose a govt without a democratic majority
Munich Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler and Nazis attempted to seize power, but failed, and resulted in Cult of 16
Hitler’s name for himself, means leader
S. A.
Storm troopers
Hitler’s ideal race with blonde hair and blue eyes
What were the methods that led Hitler to rise in power?
- leader
- message and ideology
- propaganda
- force or violence
- eliminate opposition
What was one of the flaws with the Weimar Republic?
-proportional system
What were the punishments from the Treaty of Versailles?
- reparations
- territorial loses
- war guilt clause
- military
What are the significances after the Great Depression?
- era of despair
- Germany needed a leader, lost faith in current
- middle class is devastated
- growing in anger part of population
Name some examples of Hitler’s message and ideology
- survival of the fittest
- superiority of the Aryan race
- Jews and Communists are bad
- “blood and soil”
- “stab in the back”
- authoritarian govt is best
- extreme nationalism
- anti-Marxist, and anti-Semitism
- overturn Treaty of Versailles
What made the Nazi Propaganda so appealing to people?
- colors
- black and white on color
- S.A. uniform, discipline, organization, strength, dedication
- speech abilities
- simple, short, repetitive message because people are stupid
Why was Hitler so appealing to people?
- iron cross 2x
- propaganda
- speech making ability
- could see through you
- he had all the answers
- gave Germans hope
- Germans thought they could control him