Unit 1 Flashcards
T/F: In Greco-Roman culture, there was a common belief that someone who was eloquent was also wise.
T/F: According to Witherington, one’s soul is that which naturally animates the body.
T/F: Paul claims not to convey any mystery, even to the mature Corinthians, in order to avoid any semblance to the Sophists.
T/F: The only use of Job in the NT occurs in 1 Corinthians 3.
T/F: Paul uses both sarkinos (fleshly) and psychikos (natural) to refer to those without the Spirit.
What does the term “fleshly” refer to?
fallen human nature and a tendency to follow the ways of the world
Paul affirms…
A) different kinds of Christians (carnal and spiritual)
B) different levels of Christian maturity
C) Both of these
D) Neither of these
How does the unbeliever come to understand enough about the Gospel to believe?
A) Natural deduction
B) Full regeneration by the Spirit
C) Unnoticed preliminary working of the Spirit
D) He had to have been eternally decreed to be of the Elect before the foundations of the world by the Father
What form of proofs did Paul use to reinforce the truth of the Gospel? A) Rhetorical B) Forensic C) Experiential D) Mystical
According to Witherington, what does “demonstration of ‘the powerful Spirit/Spirit and power’” most likely refer to?
A) Miracles that occured while Paul was in Corinth
B) The powerful transformation of the Corinthians under Paul’s preaching
C) Both of these
D) Neither of these
When Paul uses the term psychikos, to whom is he referring?
A) A person who does not have the Holy Spirit
B) A “soulish” person
C) A carnal Christian
D) A believer, but looked at from the perspective of natural, normal physical life
According to Witherington, when Paul first preached to the Corinthians, in which of the following areas did he deliberately decide to go against the typical rhetorical expectations of a Greco-Roman audience? A) Ethos B) Pathos C) Logos D) All of the above E) A and B only
T/F: Witherington concludes that the problem in Corinth can be described as the Corinthians not having evaluated their cultural assumptions in the light of the Christian faith and the presence of God in their lives.
T/F: Paul’s hope for 1 Corinthians is to move the Corinthians toward uniformity.
According to Witherington, when Paul speaks of being judged by the Corinthians, the judgment is upon Paul’s... A) legitimacy as an apostle B) rhetorical skill C) moral fortitude D) All of the above
How does Paul present himself to counter overinflated rhetoric and self-congratulation among the Corinthians? A) Suffering Servant B) Suffering Sage C) Wise Warrior D) Wise Father
Paul’s reference to manual labor…
A) distinguishes him from Cynics that begged for money
B) sets him apart from Sophists that were paid for their teaching
C) evidences that his audience is mostly Gentile
D) All of the above
Which of the following is not a characteristic topic of the first major argument? A) True wisdom B) True self-evaluation C) True salvation D) True leadership
Cover allusions were often used by rhetors in order to…
A) use satire
B) refrain from offending their audiences
C) advance themselves
D) use irony
Paul suggests that the Corinthians should evaluate their leaders by... A) his own example B) the OT model C) the Roman Imperial model D) the Sophistic model
T/F: Paul’s exhortation to the Corinthians to imitate him utilizes the Sophistic model of teaching in order to counter it.
Paul counters the Corinthians’ claims of immediate glory (reigning already, being rich, etc.) by…
A) claiming to be a higher ruler
B) slandering the Corinthians
C) claiming that the apostles are treated like the scum of the earth
D) None of the above