unit 1 Flashcards
looks at comparisons between different cultures
focuses on specific society and how structures and institutions influence legal system
jurance prudence – how do laws get created?
Natural human law or Legal positivism
Natural human law
there is some objective morality that laws should reflect. True for all humans and not culturally dependent
Legal positivism
Laws are created by humans depending on their perspective and that there is not an objectively right law/action – psychology takes the second perspective
B= f(p,e) behavior is a function of the personality and the environment
Looking at individuals as a unit of analysis, individual people influence how the legal system operates (they affect the legal system and the legal system effects them), bidirectional relationship
First dilemma: rights of the individual Vs. Rights of the common good
Freedom vs. Security/ safety
Two models of the criminal justice system
- Due process model and crime control model
Due process model
“It is better for ten guilty to go free than one innocent man should suffer”
o We should be focused on due processed rights (the rights of the individual against abuses of those in power)
o Innocent till proven guilty
Crime control model
if there is enough evidence to go to trial then they’re probably guilty, the punishment needs to be sever that they will go away for a while/not do it
* Three- Strikes law (Lockyer v. Andrade)/ habitual criminal act
Lockyer v. Andrade
example of crime control model
convicted of 3 pretty crimes appealed by overturned because disproportionate to crime but supreme court said there is no guarantee to proportionality
Megan’s Law/ Sexual predator laws
o Little girl was raped and murdered by sex offender, after someone has served their maximum sentence if it’s a sexual offence then there are additional rules in place
o Falls under crime control model because it infringes on their lives because of where they live and privacy but its helping to ensure safety
Second Dilemma: equality Vs. Discretion
Should it be as equal as possible or should person events/situations be taken into account
Principle of equality
the law applies the same way to everyone
sentencing disparity
tendency of judges to administer different penalties for the same crime because of their circumstances.
When they can take circumstances into account they often do
Determinate sentencing
the offense determines the sentence; discretion is removed from the situation – creates a more equal punishment