UNIT 1 Flashcards
besotted with (someone/something)
soattractedby someone or something that you are alwaysthinkingabout them
He’s absolutely besotted with Yulia - he’ll do anything she wants.
chuffed to bits
very pleased about something
We were chuffed to bits when Sam won the course prize.
veryunhappybecause you do notbelievethat anunpleasantsituationwillimprove
I’m becoming increasingly despondent about if I’m in the right job.
down in the dumps
unhappy or without hope
She’s feeling a bit down in the dumps, so I’m trying to cheer her up.
sosurprisedthat you do notknowwhat to do orsay
I told them the news about Eva and they were completely dumbfounded.
extremely happy and excited
The team captain was visibly elated as she collected the trophy.
engrossed in (something)
so interested or involved in something that you think about nothing else
He wasn’t listening and spent the day engrossed in his phone.
very surprised or shocked
We were absolutely flabbergasted when Marvin resigned.
glued to (something)
looking at something and not paying attention to anything else
Max had his eyes glued to the computer screen.
the quality of not needing help or support from other people:
From early boyhood he learned the lesson of sturdy self-reliance.
go apoplectic with rage
to show a very, very strong feeling of anger
On hearing the judge’s decision he went apoplectic with rage.
go ballistic
to become extremely angry
A customer went ballistic when I wouldn’t give her a refund.
gross out
if somethinggrossesyou out, it is sounpleasantthat itmakesyoufeelill
The sight of blood totally grosses me out.
head over heels in love (with someone)
loving someone very much
I’m headoverheelsinlove with him.
extremelyfrightened,especiallyso that you cannot move ordecidewhat to do
I couldn’t see where I was going and I was absolutely petrified.