Unit 1 Flashcards
People can answer quite readily when asked if they are satisfied with their romantic relationships. Those rapid judgments are a more reliable predictor of actual relationship longevity than a carefully reasoned decision based on a list of pros and cons. The phenomenon that causes this, that people aren’t aware of factors that go into a decision, is known as
poverty of introspection
Right now, it is tough to predict who will win the next presidential election right now. After the election, many people will say that they saw the result as obvious all along, and be able to explain a causal chain that is not currently obvious. This phenomenon is known as
hindsight bias
When the residents of Kansas City are celebrating winning the Superbowl, they are likely to say “Hooray, we won!” even though the residents of the city did not play in the game at all. This is an example of
basking in reflected glory
According to your textbook, people from Western cultures tend to use ____ as a standard for social judgments, whereas people from Asian cultures tend to use ____ as a standard for social judgments.
personal achievement, salary
People tend to be highly self-conscious about tripping in public or wearing the same clothes two days in a row because they are sure that others will notice and remember their shortcomings. This is known as ____
spotlight effect
The Just World World Hypothesis contains three separate belief statements about the world. These statements are: ___, ___, ____
the world is just, good things happen to good people, and you are a good person
people who are raised in individualistic cultures tend to view their success as being due to ____ whereas people who are raised in interdependent cultures view success as being based on ____
themselves, their family
When on a trip to California, you might boast of your skills to the strangers you meet. When chatting with your friends, you tend to be more modest, instead of overstating your abilities. You use different self-presentational strategies to strangers than you use to friends because
your friends are more likely to question your stories rather than strangers
You are a firm believer in Leary’s Sociometer Theory of Self Esteem. According to this theory, you can increase self-esteem by
being liked by your peers and increasing your social standing
According to the two-step process of attributions, we first make attributions by ___ and then ____
internal attributions, situations
According to the theory of ironic processing, if you try to not think about that ugly breakup you just experienced, you will end up
thinking about it more
According to class notes, schemas are useful because they can ____ and ____
provide a fast script, and what to expect in a familiar scenario
People are more strongly motivated to see themselves in a positive light than they realistically should
self serving bias
Self serving bias definition: we attribute our good actions to personality and bad actions to situations
What is one benefit for people to view the world in a slightly more positive light than they realistically should
they don’t feel bad and unmotivated, instead feel as if they can do it
The reason that people use heuristics and stereotypes to conserve cognitive resources is that most of the time people are
cognitive misers
One of the reasons given in class that we make the fundamental attribution error is that
we focus on people and not situations
the tendency to engage in self-defeating behaviors to prevent others from drawing unwanted attributions about the self after a failure is known as
self handicapping
The way that information is presented in terms of wording or order will influence decision-making. This phenomenon is known as
positive/negative ordering/framing effect
the unconscious tendency to prefer things that resemble the self influences people’s choices of occupations, places to live, and even spouses. This unconscious tendency is known as
implicit egotism